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10 votes

Receive email with attachments

I think you're looking for MailItem and its "Attachments" property. Connect to a mailserver: ...
Carl Lange's user avatar
  • 13.2k
10 votes

Security of SendMail

Computers communicate with each other through protocols. For example, web servers communicate with browsers using HTTP – the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Another protocol is HTTPS – the Hypertext ...
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
9 votes

Are the mail settings as given in preferences still programmatically accessible in V 11.2

Settings are stored at "ApplicationData\SendMail\Preferences\MailSettings.m" and ...
rhermans's user avatar
  • 37.4k
8 votes

Are the mail settings as given in preferences still programmatically accessible in V 11.2

We can access the present settings using an undocumented global variable: ...
WReach's user avatar
  • 69.3k
6 votes

How to extract email addresses from a text file using Mathematica

data = Import[ "", "Text"] Benefitting from this discussion (and don't ask me ...
Syed's user avatar
  • 59.4k
6 votes

Making an Email Address Validator

I took a few minutes to dig through the DownValues and here is a method based on what I found: ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
  • 47.1k
6 votes

Are the mail settings as given in preferences still programmatically accessible in V 11.2

Thanks to rhermans and WReach my question is not only answered but it also is clear what is going on: In version 11.2 the variable ...
Albert Retey's user avatar
  • 23.6k
5 votes

How to use notebook contents as body for an email

The function NotebookImport is a nice tool for importing specific cells from a Notebook into a specific form. For example: <...
Carl Woll's user avatar
  • 132k
5 votes

How to deploy a simple contact form with WebItems?

Here's the simple way using FormFunction with a custom FormLayoutFunction: ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
  • 47.1k
4 votes

How to extract email addresses from a text file using Mathematica

The built-in function TextCases gets you most of the way there as it has a built-in "EmailAddress" text content type, ...
Carl Lange's user avatar
  • 13.2k
3 votes

Using SendMail with new Google Security Rules

If you have activated the two-step verification in gmail, you need to use an password dedicated to one application. This works straightforwardly. From
anderstood's user avatar
  • 14.5k
3 votes

Configuring Mathematica to send email from a notebook

I have gotten mail to work through Microsoft Exchange 365 using code similar to the gmail code above. ...
Michael Stern's user avatar
2 votes

SendMail + Gmail Failure

Here how to set up Google's outgoing mail (SMTP) server from Google Help. The error shows that you're trying to connect to port 25, and that's the wrong setting. The first step is to sign in at gmail....
creidhne's user avatar
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1 vote

Join[] messes with the parameters to SendMail[]

It seems that SendMail[...] holds the evaluation until later. To counteract this, use the pure function that I suggested in my post or use the solution proposed by flinty which is ...
Zack Porter's user avatar
1 vote

Enter Login Credentials

I suggest you set up the configuration in codes before sending mails. ...
Jerry's user avatar
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1 vote

How to use SendMail to send a message with URL

This works for me: SendMail[<| "To" -> "[email protected]", "Subject" -> "Test", "Body" -> "Here is a link:"> ] When ...
Themis's user avatar
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