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1 vote
2 answers

Using numerical method to go backward for ODE [closed]

I want to use this code for the backward Numerical solution but patently not well defined? Clear["Global`*"] f = 0.7; γ = 1; NDSolve[{s''[x]/s[x] + ((3 γ)/2 - 1) (s'[x]/s[x])^2 - (3 γ*f)/2 == 0, s[1] …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
0 votes
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I don't know how to get a solution to this differential equation

I work on this equation I don't know how to get some a solution from second part becuase it just gives me some unknown lines, first part is easy and I just put it for next part. Clear["Global`*"] eqns …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

A Simple equation [closed]

I don't know why is not working?!! Clear["Global`*"] x[t] = x0 Exp[y0 (t - 1)]; t0 = 1; \Xi = 0.3; \Gamma = 1.33; \Lambda = 0.7; eqns = {y0^2 - (k*(1 - 2/(3*\Gamma)))/Exp[y0*(t - t0)] - (\Xi/\Gamma) …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Non- linear ODE

I was working on this equation but I can't get out something for this: Clear["Global`*"] g[t_] := ((1 - b) y[t]^2/t^n + 1/t^(2 + n))^n; eqns = y'[t] + 3/2 (a - b) y[t]/t + (3/2 a - 1)/y[t] t^3 == g[t] …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Plot the solution and Inverse as well

I used this code to solve an equation and now I would like to plot the solution with its inverse. I can't get some figures?!! Clear["Global`*"] eqns = {Derivative[1][y][ x] + (3/2)*(a - b)*(y[x]/x) - …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Inverse Function for an example

I have this funtion i would like to calculate the inverse Inverse[Sqrt[1 - Cosh[2 t] + a Sinh[2 t]]] a is positive number.
Felipe Dura's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Inverse of an Animation

I was thinking, it's possible to plot inverse an animation?? Clear["Global`*"] k = 0.002;a = 0.68; 1/Sqrt[k] x Hypergeometric2F1[1/2, 1/(2 - 3 b), 1 + 1/(2 - 3 b), -((x^(2 - 3 b) a)/k)] /. b -> 1 ani …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Plot and DSolve [closed]

I'm working on this code to modify it but I can't plot it and solve the second part?!! Clear["Global`*"] eqns = {y[x]^2 - Sqrt[3] (a/b) y[x]*Sqrt[y[x]^2 - k x^-2 - f] - k (1 - 2/(3 b))x^-2 -f == 0}; …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Numerical Solution for this equation [closed]

I want to solve this equation in Mathematica then plot x[t]: ClearAll[y, x, a, b, k, f] a = 1; b = 0.24; k = 0.002; f = 0.68; eqn1 = {x''[t]/x[t] + (3 a/2 - 1) (x'[x]/x[t])^2 -3b/2 (x'[t]/x[t])+k ((3 …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

The second order differential equation non-linear case [duplicate]

I'm working to solve this equation but it's not giving me anything a = 1; b = 0.24; k = 0.002; f = 0.68; sol = NDSolve[{x''[t]*x[t] + (3 a/2 - 1) (x'[x])^2 - 3 b/2 (x'[t]*x[t]) + k ((3 a - 1)/2) - a …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Ploting a function

I just ploted y[x],y'[x] but I would like to plot other function which is g[x] based on my solution but it can't plot this ??!! Clear["Global`*"] eqn = {y''[x]/ y[x] + 1/2 (y'[x]/ y[x])^2 - 3 a/2 (y'[ …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Plot an example for some functions

Today I just wanted to run this code but I have some difficulty if you can have a look? Clear["Global`*"] a = 0.7; k = -0.04; f = 0.2; b = 1; g[x_] := Sqrt[ a + f^2/(4 b^2)] / a ArcCoth[ Sqrt[a + f^ …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Numerical Plot for an example

I would like to compare the numerical and analytical solution with plot for this example but something is wrong I don't know how to fix it?!! Clear["Global`*"] eqn = {2 s'[x] + 3 s[x]^2 - …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

The Range of a Function

I would like to see minimum and maximum for this example! g[x_]:=(3 a - 2)/((2 + 3 b - 3 a) x^2) + f*x^(-3 a + 3 b + 2) also for those parameters "1 < a < 2" and "0.6 < b < 0.7" Minimize[(3 a - …
Felipe Dura's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Solve a differential eq with a boundray condtion and plot it

I just wanted to know how to plot this for different value of a,b and f (Table[])? Clear["Global`*"] Clear[a, b, f, h, x] eqn = {h'[x] == (a*s + (9b^2 /8s -(s+1) f ) x^2 - 3b/2s …
Felipe Dura's user avatar

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