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Questions on the symbolic (DSolve, DifferentialRoot) and numerical (NDSolve) solutions of differential equations in Mathematica.

6 votes
1 answer

How to shoot backwards using the "Shooting Method"?

I am reading the documentation for the "shooting method" and trying to understand how to shoot "backward". … First, they solve the system, but seemingly without calling on the shooting method. Then they solve it using the shooting method, but I don't see how they are shooting backward. …
Mark's user avatar
  • 71
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2 answers

Multiple solutions using the shooting method

I'm using the shooting method, but for each initial guess a different solution appears. Which solution is correct? … Is it possible to monitor the convergence rate and the iteration steps of the shooting method? Any help or hint is welcome! …
Stratus's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

NDSolve how to monitor shooting method iteration?

here is a shooting method solution right out of the docs: sol = First[ NDSolve[{x''[t] + Sin[x[t]] == 0 , x[0] == x[10] == 0}, x, t, Method -> {"Shooting", "StartingInitialConditions" -> { … x'[0] == 1.666 }}]] Plot[Evaluate[x[t] /. sol], {t, 0, 10}] The shooting method is of course iterative, so how to monitor progress (initial condidion vs end condition )? …
george2079's user avatar
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Shooting method with Neumann Conditions

I am trying to solve the differential equation with boundary conditions using the shooting method. Also assuming y(0) and y(1) are nonzero and equal. …
JellyBelly's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Solving a bad-behaving equation with shooting method

I started with the built-in shooting method: a = 1/5; A = 0.843; Q[x_] := 2/Sqrt[Pi]*Integrate[Exp[-p^2], {p, 0, x}]; eq := a^2*D[(1 + A*Q[x])*D[psi[x], x], x] == psi[x]*(1 + A*Q[x] - a*Phi[x]*2/Sqrt … " -> {Phi[-2] == 3}}]; However, this equation behaves badly, and with shooting method I always get NDSolve:berr, and the solution of Phi stays where the initial condition is set. …
Repentanze's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Shooting Method for Numerical Solution

I am trying to solve the following nonlinear differential equation using the shooting method. The equation is a boundary value problem with boundary condition x[0]=Pi and x[Infinity]=0. … NDSolve[{x''[ r] + (1/r) x'[r] - (0.5/r^2) Sin[2 x[r]] + (2/r) Sin[x[r]]^2 - 0.2 Sin[x[r]] - Sin[2 x[r]] == 0, x[0.00001] == Pi, x[100] == 0}, x[r], {r, 0.00001, 100}, Method -> {"Shooting
physicsu83's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Internal Shooting Method of NDSolve in combination with NDSolve`Reinitialize?

I was hoping to speed up my problem, in which I plan solving the same set of equations with the internal shooting method many times with varying boundary conditions. … I know how to do it with my own FindRoot shooting approach, but this would be more elegant. Does anyone know how to do this? …
Rupert's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

Boundary conditions shooting method

I know that the shooting method is the way to go, but am having trouble figuring out how to implement the boundary conditions. Are the following lines of code in Mathematica alright? …
nightmarish's user avatar
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Solving an ODE using shooting method [duplicate]

Moreover, I used shooting method and continually bisected an initial interval from $\Phi_{\text{upper}}=5$ to $\Phi_{\text{lower}}=0$ to obtain more and more precise values of $\Phi(0)$. … Also, is there an explanation for the plots shooting upwards and oscillating after a prolonged asymptotic trend towards the positive $r$-axis? …
nightmarish's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using shooting method to solve DE of fourth order

I am trying to solve a fourth-order differential equation using the shooting method and I wrote the following code, But this code does not work for me and I don't know what the problem is. a = 1.3; M = … 0.3; S = 1; shooting[{s1_? …
ahmed's user avatar
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Young Laplace equation with shooting method

I have tried using the Shooting Method, but to no avail. … Derivative[1][X][\[Psi]] == Sin[\[Psi]]/Q, Derivative[1][\[CapitalSigma]][\[Psi]] == Cos[\[Psi]]/Q, \[CapitalSigma][zero] == inf, X[zero] == zero}, {X, \[CapitalSigma]}, {\[Psi], \[Beta], 0}, Method -> {"Shooting
hehehaha's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Solve stiff system by shooting method

I'm trying to solve a second order differential equation with the shooting method but, it appears to be a stiff system. This is worst for a larger parameter $\mu$. … Same thing happens if I use NDSolve with Method->"Shooting Method". At the end, I want to use the value $\mu=10^{24}$, so this problem becomes even worse. How can I get the integration to work? …
marRrR's user avatar
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Stiff differential equation and shooting

It's my understanding that the best way to tackle a problem of this type is with a shooting method. … I've tried to use: U[y_] = y^2 - y^3 + k*y^4; dU[y_] = U'[y]; x0 = 10^-2; xf = 10^3; k = 0.1; sols = NDSolve[{y''[x] + 3*y'[x]/x == dU[y[x]], y[xf] == 0, y'[x0] == 0}, y, {x, x0, xf}, Method -> {"Shooting
MarcosMFlores's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to solve a pair of coupled 2nd order equations using shooting method

I think the shooting method is required. Can anyone tell me how to implement shooting method in this case? You don't need to write the whole routine for me. Just give me the basic idea. … Everywhere I can see examples shown for using the shooting method for single differential equations. …
kau's user avatar
  • 21
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Solution of a BVP by shooting method

But the problem arises when I try to solve the system by method of shooting, that doesn't permit me to set them different from $a=0$, $b=1$. … ", "StartingInitialConditions" -> Table[(D[U[x][[i]], x] /. x -> 0) == 1, {i, 2, n + 1}]}]] When I set $A=-1$ and change initial conditions for method of shooting I get the error: NDSolve:: …
Artem Zefirov's user avatar

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