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How to get satellite image directly from Mathematica?

First, I get the image of the bands of the desired area from the site, then I import the images into Mathmatica by addressing them as below: Select dataset directory: <...
Erfan's user avatar
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Expanding website file display ---------show files in full format

Many times looking for some material I find websites that seem to use a format that does not allow the file name to be fully visible. You download the file that you think it is and it turns out that ...
juan muñoz's user avatar
12 votes
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Opening Mathematica file in Google drive

I have a Mathematica file in my Google drive. There is no option to open the Mathematica file directly, without downloading it. Is it possible to directly open the file from Google drive?
H. Kenan's user avatar
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Does Dropbox sync smartly notebook files? [duplicate]

It is said that Dropbox employs a Delta Sync technology where only the modified part of a file is updated through the internet. I was just wondering if it holds for notebook files. I sometimes ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Upload notebook to the Cloud and add a download hyperlink in separate cloud objects

cross posted on Title say it all, I want to export _Notebook to cloud as a .nb file and make it available to download via hyperlink in different places. This is rather a code-...
Kuba's user avatar
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How to use URLDownload if the url doesn't have the correct filetype extension?

I'm using the new (in V11) function UrlDownload[] I have a url I'd like to save to a local file, but the url is missing a (or has the incorrect) filetype extension....
user5601's user avatar
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How to get the subdirectory of a ftp weblink?

For example, I can use FileNames["*",dir] to get all subdirectory under dir if dir is some directory of my local computer. Suppose that I want to get all ...
Harry's user avatar
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