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Reflected Wave and Power Spectrum for a Toda Oscillator

I'm trying to analyze the power spectrum of the reflected wave. Specifically, I want to compute the time series, take the Fourier transform, and average the absolute values to obtain the spectrum. The ...
Sujit Mainali's user avatar
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Find knee by intersecting line method

I have an x-y data list. The data is here. It looks like below: I want to mark the knee location. I mean I need to find the point of greatest slope change and get the x coordinate of this point. ...
Mr.2023's user avatar
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How to find the difference equation from system response or primitive equation?

If I have a system response or the primitive equation , how can i find its difference equation by mathematica? eg: ...
Shikihane's user avatar
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Finding group delay of transfer function

I'm having trouble finding the group delay of a transfer function. I've seen a solved question on here about finding the group delay, but I want to understand why my method doesn't work. Here is some ...
sgdsgyhetwaraw's user avatar
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How to reform a expression to improve numerical stability?

In engineering, we usually have to solve a function numerically, which has no symbolic computation ability and may using a low percision data type like fp32 or even ...
Zz Tux's user avatar
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Implementing discrete and continuous Hilbert transforms

What is an efficient and accurate Mathematica implementation of the Hilbert transform, for both continuous and especially discretely sampled functions? This transform relates phase and amplitude in ...
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
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