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7 votes
3 answers

How to identify and select the first name from a string containing a first name and a last name?

Is it possible to identify and select the first name in a string that is made up of a first name and a last name, e.g.: ...
Wolfgang123's user avatar
7 votes
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How to Classify with LogisticRegression with a non linear border?

I am currently taking the Coursera Machine Learning course and want to reproduce some of the coding exercises in Mathematica. In Exercise 2 the problem is to Classify with Logistic Regression. So I ...
gogoolplex's user avatar
7 votes
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ClassifierInformation's "ClassPriors" misreporting?

To the TLDR people It seems to me that when you explicitly set ClassPriors when running Classify, it creates a ...
Rojo's user avatar
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Bug in EmbeddingLayer?

Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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NetPortGradient output port restriction

The documentation for NetPortGradient says net[<|..., NetPortGradient[oport] -> ograd|>, NetPortGradient[iport]] can ...
CarbonFlambe's user avatar
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Importing multiple images for machine learning classification

I want to create a ML classifier using images just like this example. I have two classes of images in two different folders. Is there an easier way to import all images from both folders rather than ...
Fábio Perez's user avatar
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How to find similar words from the provided list?

Let's say I have created a list of words that are acceptable in a certain context. list = {...}; Now given a new or some existing word from the list I want to ...
user13892's user avatar
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Specifying mean and kernel function in Gaussian Process

As part of the Improved Machine Learning in Mathematica 11, Wolfram advertises the Method "GaussianProcess" which can be used with Predict[] to obtain smooth Gaussian random fields. The screenshot ...
Alexander Erlich's user avatar
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How to ImageIdentify multiple objects in a single image?

Suppose an image has multiple objects: ImageIdentify only finds the banana: ...
ConvexMartian's user avatar
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Classify the classic tennis example

When using the classic tennis data (reference here) with Classify ...
Francois Vanderseypen's user avatar
7 votes
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Machine learning: How to fix part of the weight matrix?

Consider a linear layer with 2*2 weights linear = LinearLayer[2, "Input" -> 2]; net = NetInitialize[linear]; After the initialization, the four elements of ...
chrestun's user avatar
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How to calculate a PDF of a neural network output?

I have to find the probability density function of the output of an internal layer in a neural network. I wanted to do it using NetMeasurements adding a layer like <...
user40532's user avatar
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Running Mathematica in 'SpouseMode'

In this previous question I looked into a deprecated capability of Mathematica from Version 2. Mathematica command that allows it to read my intentions Thanks to all for your answers. I note that ...
MikeY's user avatar
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Decoding Music in Staff Notation using ImageIdentify

I wrote this Code fragment Which is a E (quarter) note in Treble Clef. Instead Mathematica simply classified it as a "musical note" Can we do better?
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
7 votes
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Logistic Regression classifier in Versions 12 vs 11.3

There is a mysterious "LogisticRegression" method in MMA, which could be applied as a substitution for missing multinomial logit functionality. In version 11.3 I had the following simple 3-category ...
garej's user avatar
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Building a classifier for images

I tried to build a classifier for some images that I have with the following code: ...
soandos's user avatar
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Use of Mathematica for Machine Learning Course [closed]

I am interested in others' experience using Mathematica for machine learning and bioinformatics course curricula. Let me first say that I have been programming with MMA for almost 10 years now (out ...
GraphMan's user avatar
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How to extend ImageCases?

I was very excited to see ImageCases being documented in version 12. But I immediately desired a mechanism for adding more entities to ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Image Generator with a Neural Network (CIFAR-10)

As some of you may know, CIFAR-10 is a data base which has 60,000 images (which are 32x32 in size) of 10 different categories (airplane, dog, cat, frog, deer, bird, horse, ship, automobile and truck). ...
Anna Morales Melgares's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Decision tree in Mathematica

I have data like these: ...
Teodoro Marinucci's user avatar
6 votes
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FindFaces in Mathematica 11.3

I just upgraded to Mathematica 11.3. but now my FindFaces instructions do not work anymore. I guess they changed the syntax in 11.3. Here is the original code: <...
james's user avatar
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Sentiment analysis of tweets

I want to use Mathematica for a sentiment analysis on tweet-messages. For that purpose i selected several tweets. Each tweet is interpreted by myself as positive (pos) of negative (neg). For example: ...
Michiel van Mens's user avatar
6 votes
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Save neural network after training

I've written quite a few projects that involve training a neural network through the Classify and Predict functions, but every ...
Char's user avatar
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Extract neural network model from ClassifierFunction

I'm very new to Neural Networks and Mathematica 11 (I used MMA8 some time ago) and I'm trying to learn about NN using Mathematica. I'm using MMA 11.2 in a Rapsberry Pi (yes, I know that doing NN in a ...
siritinga's user avatar
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How to make a switch in Neural Networks?

In this paper,they design a network like this. The left(green) is a normal network that mapping one feature to another feature,the right(red) side is an autoencoder(using RNN).But a switch is ...
partida's user avatar
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Which, if any, external machine learning libraries are used by Predict[]?

It's pretty much all in the title -- I suspect that Wolfram uses some standard (perhaps open-source) libraries in their machine learning functions, and I am curious as to what they are. I am ...
Michael Stern's user avatar
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Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm for Autonomous Image Processing and Tracking

I am trying to prototype a Mathematica application that will enable Autonomous Intruder & Anomalous Event Detection, Tracking and Alarm to web users those who want to autonomously and ...
Arihant's user avatar
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Predict failed to reproduce result of multiple linear regression

I would like to reproduce the result of multiple linear regression with Predict. In approach 1, I used matrix computation and obtained ...
H42's user avatar
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Is it possible to fix the weight of a certain layer during neural network training?

As suggested by the title, is it possible to fix some part of the neural network while training? Since Mathematica provides a way to extract part of a neural network and combine it with some layers ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 answers

Neural network: Line detection in Image

I am playing around with Mathematica's new Neural Network toolbox and am trying to teach a network to detect lines in quite noisy images. An example Input image would look like the following: The ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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Introductory material on machine learning?

Does Mathematica have a handbook or other introductory material on machine learning? Or are there any books on analyzing machine learning with Mathematica?
user11619's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I create & train a neural net to predict a stock closing price at T+5min using OHLC and other data?

I'm trying to create a neural network and train it to test predictability of short term stock price movements. I've collated a 1-min open, high, low, closing and volume dataset for a particular stock....
CuriousDudeFromEgypt's user avatar
6 votes
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Named entity recognition

How can one process natural language (English) to extract named entities (aka NER)? Or at least, entities which can be mapped to a Mathematica Entity. Note that trying to map entities via simple ...
Francois Vanderseypen's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to convert the result of NetTrain to a PredictorFunction?

I would like to use PredictorMeasurements on the result of NetTrain, but it says it expects a ...
Marco Correia's user avatar
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Unexpected high memory consumption using out-of-core NetTrain

I'm working on training a neural network on an image dataset. There are 14k images and each image contains 3x150x150 pixels. I have built a generator function following the approach in Training on ...
Charmbracelet's user avatar
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What are the possible values of sub-options for Classify[]?

Specifically, how can I find the possible values of sub-option "KernelType" of option "Method" for Classify? Here's an example: ...
user5601's user avatar
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Graph Convolution Network, molecule activity

I am trying to translate an example code for graph convolution network from Deep Learning for Physical Scientists: Accelerating Research with Machine Learning. Edward O. Pyzer-Knapp et. al. They have ...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Compute neural network loss over sliding windows?

I am trying to use the structural similarity index, which is defined in terms of a computation over sliding windows, as a neural network loss function. Obviously one can get a sliding mean using a <...
Michael Curry's user avatar
6 votes
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Classify Function : Sentiment Polarity

I have been working on a project involving the new Classify[] function. More specifically, the sentiment analysis function. It works perfectly well, as in the documentation: ...
afentis's user avatar
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How to load trained RNN in MXNet?

No problems with CNN ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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How to import/export to libsvm?

Under the hood Mathematica uses libsvm, so I don't think this question is beyond the pale. I need to export an svm I trained with Classify to the standard SVM Format (which is readable by libsvm). ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How do I generate SMILES using machine learning in Mathematica?

I am wondering if anyone has experience with generating molecules using machine learning in Mathematica. There are a bunch of papers these days with such applications/developments. For example, https:/...
bhopshang's user avatar
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Any competitive speech-to-text models?

SpeechRecognize is not very useful compared to most voice transcription engines nowadays, simply too fragile and prone to errors. I use currently, is there anything competitive to that (or ...
user5601's user avatar
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How to perform feature selection for machine learning applications?

Feature selection is fairly easy in e.g. Python's scikit-learn which sports a module and tutorials or MATLAB. Mathematica even touts that it uses feature selection ...
Sterling's user avatar
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Extracting information from Classify

I have used Mathematica's automated Classify function: ...
ngc1300's user avatar
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How can I prevent errors with ReplicateLayer[]?

I am trying to build a NetGraph[] that takes input of the form {{0.6},{0.6},...,{0.8},{0.8}} and multiplies the last sequence ...
Jmeeks29ig's user avatar
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How can one train a Neural Network in Mathematica such as to recognise and count all occurrences of a certain custom category in an image?

I'm trying to use Mathematica for the following task: (1) Get an aereal view of a certain area in Mongolia (2) Count the number of plots that contain houses, and the number of plots that contain ...
guru10at's user avatar
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Export ImageCases to Python?

I’d like a tutorial on how to export a bounding box detector network to mxnet, (for bonus points: convert to Tensorflow), and then get it running correctly in python! Some related questions exist for ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Can I use Mathematica ML capability to translate an image of a formula?

If I am given a pdf image of a mathematical symbolic formula can I translate it into Mathematica syntax using ML? I tried using Classify, but I can only translate parts of the equation and I don't ...
Gluoncito's user avatar
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How "good" is the new Classify and how does it choose its method

I recently read the blog regarding data-science Wolfram Blog and then checked the quality of the new Classify. I have a bunch of slides that I show to my students ...
mgamer's user avatar
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