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Candidate sampling for softmax neural networks in mathematica

Though I've been using mathematica for a few years, I've never really delved into its ML capabilities (except for the occasional clustering). I'm curious if anyone who has some experience using ...
ericmarkmartin's user avatar
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Using Machine Learning techniques for text-analysis

I am analysing a bunch of tweets and I want to understand which political party the authors support. Let say, for example that I have five parties labelled by a number: ...
apt45's user avatar
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K-medians clustering computation

Is there a built-in function for data clustering using k-medians algorithm? I found out about the ClusterDissimilarityFunction of the ...
wklm's user avatar
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Neural Network erros in NetEncoders?

I'm making a fairly complex neural network, and I've listed all the ports, the network flow, and the layers well. However, when I tried to run the NetGraph, it gave me the error message ...
Alex Rosenzweig's user avatar
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Creating a prediction/distribution based on several years of data

So I have several years of data from a survey. For each year I've used FindDistribution and Predict to see if I can fit the data. Here's one example Where I used FindDistribution to get ...
Illari's user avatar
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