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8 votes
3 answers

Part of an Image cut/lost when exported to EPS file

When making .EPS image files for publication, I tried to assemble several Graphics by Grid. For example, suppose I have: ...
Harry's user avatar
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Package for nonlinear plot coordinates

Is there a package for plotting in nonlinear coordinates? I mean that I provide coordinate transformation functions {xi(x,y), eta(x,y)}, for example ...
KOLANICH's user avatar
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15 votes
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Combining BarChart and Grid - IPCC style

I would like to combine a plot with a table. Something like this famous plot/table from IPCC: So after reading Combining graphics & lists / tables I tried an approach using ...
gogoolplex's user avatar
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Combine Plots into a single non-rasterized Graphic with no spacing [duplicate]

Suppose that I have two plots, pl1 and pl2: ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Draw grid with points

How would I draw a grid with dots on specified intersections? The image below shows the basic idea: If I wanted to label the grid lines with index numbers or letters, how would I do that?
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Draw grid lines at multiples of k

Here is a beginner's question: when creating plots with mathematica, I want the grid lines to be at multiples of a constant value. E.g. in the following plot, the vertical grid lines are at multiple ...
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2 answers

Expression giving multiple plots of a function, where each plot varies according to the value for a certain parameter

How can I plot multiple plots for M = 10, 20, 50? ...
dustin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Unexpected grid Lines in ListPlot

Why is Mathematica plotting a horizontal line at $y=2$ in the following example: ListPlot[Table[i,{i,1,10}],Frame->True,GridLines->None] How to get rid of ...
pawel_winzig's user avatar
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How do I append a graph to last column of a table?

rmsdata= Partition[ReadList["RMStabledata.txt", Number],29] ...
MCF's user avatar
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0 votes
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How can I build a GraphicsGrid of fixed size that rearranges the empty plots?

OK, let's make one final attempt; they say the third time is the lucky one! Following @rm-rf 's suggestions, I will try to be as clear as I can. My Mathematica code reads and plots simultaneously ...
Vaggelis_Z's user avatar
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Displaying Values of Fuction at end of Period by Grid

My intention is to place the values of two function into a small box within my chart. To be more precise I have two vectors. A meanvector which shows the average value of all simulated stochastic ...
Milan Ivica's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

ImagePadding or other means of getting whitespace when the PlotLabel is a Column or Grid

I have been having problems with exported plots cutting off a pixel or two of the text in the title of my plots. Let's assume we have some data (AR(1) noise with a high autoregressive parameter ...
Verbeia's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Export to PDF - scaling grids of plots and text size

Sometimes I have occasion to make big grids of plots. As a toy example: ...
wxffles's user avatar
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