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3 answers

How can I add a vertical spacing in a `CheckboxBar`?

I have an example here from the solution of @krasten 7. In this I would like some vertical spacing between the checkboxes. Any ideas? ...
Rupesh's user avatar
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Using Padding and Margins with Graphics object

I have relatively simple question. I need to control size and background color of the following two zones separately (indicated by blue and magenta arrows on the figure). Using ...
garej's user avatar
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Removing an extra curly braces when using Grid with an If statment

I use Grid to align controls in Manipulate. Here is a simple example ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Using grids in manipulate

I have a few questions. Here is the code so far: ...
Sultan of Swing's user avatar
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Connecting PopupMenu and Grid in Manipulate with Dynamic

I'm trying to dynamically change the number of Popup menus and Grid cells in Manipulate and connect the chosen values to the displayed Grid. I have gotten as far as this: ...
holistic's user avatar
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How to split many controls in Manipulate into multiple columns (saw some potential bugs)

I need to use Manipulate[] with many controls, because I have around 40 parameters which I want to be able to alter. Since the number is too large, I want to split these controls into multiple columns,...
larry's user avatar
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Extracting data from NDSolve result

Normally I wouldn't ask such question before even read the material from the Wolfram Documentation about what I'm trying to do but this time I have a pretty tigh dead end. I apologize for that. So, ...
André Oliveira's user avatar
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Grid in manipulate [closed]

I am trying to plot two functions using Manipulate which use the same sliders. When I use Grid to to this the text, "Grid[]" also appears in my output. Using List also causes a similar problem Is ...
Mickle's user avatar
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Displaying Values of Fuction at end of Period by Grid

My intention is to place the values of two function into a small box within my chart. To be more precise I have two vectors. A meanvector which shows the average value of all simulated stochastic ...
Milan Ivica's user avatar