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2 answers

Why can’t mathematica find this residue?

I am trying to find the residue of the function $$f(z)=(z+1)^2e^{3/z^2}$$ at $z=0$. I tried the following in Mathematica Residue[(z+1)^2*Exp[3/z^2],{z,0}] which ...
DMH16's user avatar
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Generating function for residues of a complicated function

I have a rather complicated function involving 3F2 Hypergeometric functions (see below), which has infinitely many poles. I can extract the residues individually. But it would be great if I could ...
Physics Moron's user avatar
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Laurent series 0 < |z-3| < 3

I wanna check my laurent series exercises on Mathematica, but can't seem to find a command or program to achieve the result of such type of interval. $f(z)=\frac{1}{(z-3) z},\\1<|z-3|<3$ The ...
Vinholi's user avatar
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10 votes
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Expansion for Modified Bessel Function Around Infinity

I'm somewhat new to Mathematica, and I don't understand why I'm getting inconsistent series expansions for the modified Bessel Function of first kind near $x=\infty$. First problem: I get different ...
jornada's user avatar
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Contour Integration along a contour containing two branch points

I need to compute following contour integrations: $$f(u)=\oint_\alpha dz \sqrt{z^3+z+u} \qquad ; \qquad g(u)=\oint_\beta dz \sqrt{z^3+z+u}$$ In which $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are two contours in ...
QGravity's user avatar
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A power series expansion [closed]

Consider the function, $f(z) = z\, \tanh(\pi z) \log (z^2 + a^2)$ for some $a>0$. Now I am considering 3 different situations, $z = i(n+0.5) - i\epsilon + \delta - it$ for $n \in \mathbb{Z}$ ...
user6818's user avatar
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How does Mathematica understand branchcuts of the complex logarithm?

Say I have the function $f(x) = x \tanh(\pi x) \log (x^2 +a^2)$ where $a$ is some positive real number. Then it seems to be me that Mathematica when given such a ...
user6818's user avatar
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How to compute the residue of $e^{z-\frac{1}{z}}$ at z=0?

I've tried the following but it didn't work: Residue[Exp[z - 1/z], {z, 0}] not even this: Residue[Exp[1/z], {z, 0}] ...
User's user avatar
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3 answers

Laurent series expansion

Can someone share how to find the Laurent series expansion of $$f(z)=\frac{1}{(z^2-1)(z^2-4)}$$ centered at $0$ on the annulus $1<|z|<2$?
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