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6 votes
2 answers

What is the character [esc][cc][esc]?

esc + cc + esc gives a double-struck lower-case c. It is different, however, from the double-struck c given by esc + dsc + esc (the double stroke is curved in the former but vertical in the latter). ...
WillG's user avatar
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Plot fails to plot. What am I doing wrong?

The below code executes. If I uncomment the Plot, it runs for a while and outputs nothing, not even the Mean and Variance. ...
Jonathan Venezian's user avatar
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Is this list of Formal Symbols complete? Which versions have unprotected Formal Symbols?

Formal Symbols are protected against being assigned values, making them handy for avoiding name collisions for things like fit parameters and pattern matching. Because formal symbols (and others) like ...
Tapiocaweasel's user avatar
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Can we find (and understand) the ordering functions used in the various output forms?

Can we use (and perhaps even understand) the sorting functions used in the various output forms (such as OutputForm, TraditionalForm, TeXForm, etc...). This is motivated by the fact that I would like ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Distinguish .nb that has been saved from new .nb

There may be many ways to distinguish .nb that has been saved from new .nb I found that in NotebookInformation[] may be useful. ...
imida k's user avatar
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3 answers

A variable with a^2=0 [closed]

I want to do something simple. I want to define a variable such that a^2=0, so that say: Exp(a) = 1+a And any other function automatically f(a)=1+f'(0)a. Is it possible to do that in Mathematica?
user1505725's user avatar
2 votes
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What are the (potential) uses of those utility functions in the context GroupTheory`Tools`?

This old answer briefly described the usages of GroupTheory`Tools`Multisets, GroupTheory`Tools`MultiSubsets, ...
user688486's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can the Debye functions be implemented using built-in functions?

It is claimed in the comments here that the Debye functions can be implemented using built-in special functions. This is clearly true for some Debye functions, e.g., $D_n^{(1)}(x)$ for $n = 1, 2, 3$ (...
WillG's user avatar
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1 answer

Factor gives non-factorized result

The Factor built-in function is usually idempotent, namely applying it twice gives the same result. However, in the following example it is not. Is that expected? ...
Bruno Le Floch's user avatar
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Palette that gets single keystroke as input

I could find many examples of user-made Palette with many buttons in it. And drawing-tools Palette is not user-made, but it accepts a single keystroke as input. (In ...
imida k's user avatar
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"ParticleData[] " command $Failed

I am using Mathematica version 13.2. I am trying to use Mathematica's "ParticleData" command to get the information about the particles directly from PDG. But, whenever I am trying to ...
Lipika's user avatar
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How to use Switch for more than one switchable arguments (in a compilable way)?

Consider some example of usage of the function Switch: ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Get All Discrete Univariate Distributions with Symbolic Parameters

I am trying to get all Discrete Univariate Distributions with symbolic arguments from any place in Wolfram Language system. For example this guide:
Vitaliy Kaurov's user avatar
3 votes
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Test whether an expression contains a particular pattern

How to test whether an expression contains a particular pattern ? I made a function for myself that tests whether an expression contains Plus or not. ...
imida k's user avatar
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Basic question Sort criteria

Can you explain the following codes? (output of codes) I know that there is the default ordering for any expression in Mathematica and Sort uses the default ...
imida k's user avatar
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Why do some functions, or at least, PowersRepresentations, run far faster on subsequent calls? What determines this behaviour?

Say I run the following: PowersRepresentations[4782969,4,2] and it takes about 2 minutes. If I call it again it takes only about 0.0005 seconds. What determines ...
1729taxi's user avatar
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Defining function for decimal value k[0.5+0.5]

k[1 + 1] = 2; k[1 + 0.5] = 1.5; k[0.5 + 0.5] = 1; {k[2], k[1.5], k[1]} // TableForm 2 1.5 k[1] Can you explain this phenomenon? I think the output should be ...
imida k's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What is MergeDifferences?

My version is 13.2.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (November 18, 2022). The symbol MergeDifferences appears in the auto-completion ...
Lacia's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How can I create a shortcut to convert "normal Symbol" to Formal Symbol?

I'd like to create a shortcut to convert a selected symbol, say \[Delta], into its rough equivalent formal symbol (i.e., ...
Craig Carter's user avatar
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Need a few built-in Symbols (functions) whose Options are a mix of Rule-s and DelayedRule-s [closed]

This is for examples in documentation I'm writing for a ResourceFunction["PrettyOptions"] (look for it soon) that is close to completion. Asking for most ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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`SequencePosition` doing unnecessary work

SequencePosition returns only the first sequence in a list that matches a given pattern with SequencePosition[list,pattern,1] ...
Diffycue's user avatar
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Write an expression that queries all of MMA to find the top M Symbols with the most Options or M Symbols having N Options?

I apologize, but I'm way over my pay-grade on this one, so I don't have any code to share that needs correcting. That is because I really don't know how to start this. I feel like this has a very easy ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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ContinuousMarkovProcess built-in function

Is the built-in function ContinuousMarkovProcess in Mathematica is the well-known Gillespie algorithm?
David's user avatar
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How to copy infinity symbol as ∞ and not as \[Infinity]

FromCharacterCode[8734] (* ∞ *) No matter how I copy whether as plaintext or input text or whether it is inside string like <...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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How to convert a list of indexed variable names to a list of formal symbols?

I have the following list of indexed variable names: list = {x1,x2,x3,x4}; I would like to build a list of formal symbols from the above list, i.e. ...
E. Chan-López's user avatar
9 votes
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How to restore the compile function from FunctionCompileExportByteArray

We can compile a function into a ByteArray object: ...
yode's user avatar
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Why does my simple string function fail to grab the only element in a List?

The idea is to normalize a string before processing it to extract information from it. Strings may come with embedded outer brackets which are easily stripped or as elements of a true list. This is ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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Ensure that Options for built-in symbols are the original defaults

I often create symbols (no args) or functions (with args) in which common options (and styles) are set in body and unique opts within args for managing multiple calls to built-in functions. these spit ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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Sequence in superscript

The code DisplayForm@SuperscriptBox[a,b,c] makes a invalid box. It still renders like $a^b$, but it's red with an error message (as it should be). That being said,...
Adam's user avatar
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Evaluating PlusMinus to 2 decimal answers

How do I evaluate and expand an expression containing PlusMinus such that: N[PlusMinus[1, 1]] returns 2, 0 I'm stuck at ...
Freddy Mcloughlan's user avatar
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Packed/Unpacked array - what object/like 0 or 1?/how to check/ [duplicate]

In Mathematica, there is a concept called packed array. ...
imida k's user avatar
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5 answers

How to get the action diagram when the group act on a set?

I previously thought the orbital map would achieve this, but as the current answer or discuss in the comment. I realized that was wrong. And the Close behavior advice tells me "Needs details or ...
yode's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Two questions about `Infinity` [closed]

These are 2 small questions about Infinity. They are not related each other. Q1) ...
imida k's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

Grouping consecutive elements at specified positions

Let L1={1,2,4,6,8,9,10,14,15,17,21,22,72,76,80,96,106,116,117} Question1) Group from 10-th to 14-th elements in L1. So that the ...
imida k's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Extracting list structure from nested list

Can we construct a function f, g in mathematica such that For any list L, g[Flatten[L],f[L]] ...
imida k's user avatar
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2 answers

Theoretical Timing possible? (not changes for each evaluation)

Is there a method to measure theoretic time load (hope +theoretic memory load) of an evaluation? They should not change - always generate same value after pressing Enter key(=evaluation). Hope they ...
imida k's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Construct a pure function containing built-in 'Sequence'

I guessed the output for (Sequence[#, 7]&)[3] should be Sequence[3,7] But my guess was wrong. See the screenshot: And I ...
imida k's user avatar
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Using < or <= make different results when sort

imida k's user avatar
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The square of Abs of a complex number

We all know that 4^2 + 22^2 = 500 Is there a natural way to generates 500 from the complex number ...
imida k's user avatar
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Calculate the "intersection" for the given case?

Consider the following task: There are two cross-sections: the first one is located in the $yz$ plane (the case 1), and the second one is in the $xy$ plane (the case 2). In the spherical coordinate ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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What is the purpose of StrokeForm?

Symbol System`StrokeForm is present already in Mathematica version 8 (but not in version 5.2). Currently, it is used in built-in themes, for example: ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
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Using the symbol of the system of equations [duplicate]

Part 1 I'd like to know how to use the symbol of system of equations (left curly braces). I tried the following code: Part 2 How can I add a third equation?
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
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Symbol of system of equations

I'm wondering if there is a way to use the symbol (the left curly bracket) of a system of equations. So far I found only the following "symbol": I need to remove the two conditions. EDIT2: ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a comprehensive list of most common or most important native Message-s (w/tags) for errors and Failed?

Yes I understand how to use Messages[symbol] but that doesn't help much. I have no idea which important ones I may have missed in my search or even how many exist. ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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How can I clear the symbol \[ImaginaryJ] for use for another purpose?

By default it is the same as imaginary unit, but I want to use it for split-complex numbers.
Anixx's user avatar
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Separate colours of an image

Since LAB colour space is based on opponent color theory, an image in 'LABColor' is made up of red/green, yellow blue separations. I am trying to separate an image into its distinct colour components (...
martin's user avatar
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NMaximize - global maximum fail - How to?

Problem : Let x,y,z be non-negative real number whose sum is 1. Find maximum of 0.2x + 0.2y + x^2*z + y*z^2 What I did first was reducing variable. ...
imida k's user avatar
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4 votes
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Largest k such that p^k divides n

(Here all variables are integer.) Is there a built-in function f[n,p] such that f[n,p] = largest k such that p^k divides n For ...
imida k's user avatar
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Can I tell whether a symbol is build-in (part of the System` library)?

I'd like a function that checks whether a symbol is a predefined part of the language or not. More generally, it might check whether it's part of a given package. ...
user3257842's user avatar
3 votes
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Built-in functions on the LHS won't pattern-match

I have this pattern-matching problem: F[X_,myminus[X_]]:=0 F[1,myminus[1]] Works. ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar

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