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Error in Monte Carlo simulation. Now Random walk (dotted curve) doesn't fit to the analytical curve (dashed curve)

I've been trying to code a kinetic monte carlo simulation for a system of consecutive chemical reactions using a fixed (repaired) code that the user flinty gives me in the last questions I post: ...
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1 answer

Strange error not found in a monte carlo code, Infinite expression 1/0 encountered

I've been trying to code a kinetic monte carlo simulation for a dimerization reaction, 2M ---> D. However I have a kinetic Monte Carlo code for a first order decomposition reaction of AIBN (that's ...
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2 answers

Michaelis–Menten kinetics using Gillespie Algorithm

I am trying to implement Michaelis–Menten kinetics using Gillespie Algorithm. $$\text{Reaction 1:}\quad E+S\rightarrow C$$ $$\text{Reaction 2:}\quad C\rightarrow E+S$$ $$\text{Reaction 1:}\quad C\...