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Time evolution of a wave packet from the time-independent Schroedinger equation [duplicate]

Starting off with the time-independent Schroedinger equation (TISE) $\quad \quad -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2 \psi + V(r, \theta) \psi = E\, \psi,$ I would like to study the time evolution of an ...
SquareRoot2's user avatar
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Numerically solving Helmholtz equation in 2D for arbitrary shapes

I would like to solve the Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions in two dimensions for an arbitrary shape (for a qualitative comparison of the eigenstates to periodic orbits in the ...
Julian S.'s user avatar
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Only final result from NDSolve

Finally, I started to play with differential equations in Mathematica. And I have faced the problem, which seems to me so basic that I'm afraid this question is going to be closed soon. However, I'...
Kuba's user avatar
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Schrödinger eigenvalue problem in two dimensions (Harmonic Oscillator)

I read here the discussion about how to solve a one-dimensional eigenvalue problem. I am wondering, how can one generalize these methods to two dimensions? For example, how to solve this equation: $$...
NoOne's user avatar
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Wonky Solutions to Schrödinger Equation with Box Barrier

I'm trying to solve the Schrödinger equation using NDSolve in a case where there is a potential box barrier. The initial condition is a cosine wave, and for ...
Buddhapus's user avatar
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Frequency domain Maxwell equations with PML boundary conditions

I'm trying to solve a full-vectorial wave equation for an arbitrarily shaped wave guide, by using NDSolve and perfectly matched layer (PML) conditions. The PML ...
Quit007's user avatar
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Modelling the effect of a structure on a "tsunami" (hyperbolic wave equation)

So, the hyperbolic wave equation can be quite easily solved in Mathematica like this: ...
dearN's user avatar
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Complex valued 2+1D nonlinear PDE using NDSolve

I am trying to follow the main ideas presented in this question, applying it to my own problem, which is a complex, time-dependent, nonlinear PDE: $$i \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = \left[ -\...
Andrei's user avatar
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Using NDSolve`StateData without processing it into rule

Problem I need to solve a differential equation system. Nothing fancy here so far with the issue of too less memory on my machine. The interpolation functions I get from ...
pbx's user avatar
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Mathematica Crashes with low memory warning Trying to solve Schroedinger Equation in a box with initial constraints

catadoxas's user avatar
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NDSolve for complex pde

My goal is to use NDSolve to solve the complex pde $F(z,t)$ with complex derivative $\partial_{z}=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{x}-i \partial_{y}).$ The equation can be ...
En-Jui Kuo's user avatar