
I regularly use Parallelize and ParallelMap, andI've been reading the manual pages for parallel computing instructions but i could not find what I am looking for. Assume I have a sequence of instructions that I know to be uncorrelated:


Is it possible to execute the three instrunctions in parallel on three different Kernels ?

  • $\begingroup$ You may be able to use ParallelEvaluate[yourexpression, kernel], where kernel is a KernelObject returned by the Kernels[] command. You will probably have to DistributeDefinitions to the parallel kernels first. $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Nov 12, 2015 at 1:06

2 Answers 2


You can use ParallelMap with unevaluated list of expressions

parallelize[expr_List] := ParallelMap[# &, Unevaluated /@ Unevaluated@expr]
SetAttributes[parallelize, HoldAll];
{a, b} = {FactorInteger[2^500 - 1], FactorInteger[2^331 - 1]} // parallelize;
(* Out: 
        {"KernelObject"[1, "local"], 
         "KernelObject"[2, "local"], 
         "KernelObject"[3, "local"]} 

  ParallelEvaluate[FactorInteger[#1], #2] &,
  {RandomInteger[{10^6, 10^7}, 3], Kernels[]}

  {{2, 1}, {3, 1}, {334157, 1}},
  {{2, 3}, {59, 1}, {20759, 1}}, 
  {{5, 1}, {11, 1}, {41, 1}, {1667, 1}}
  • $\begingroup$ My fault, but I don't fully get the code (that actually don't run on my Mathematica). I must point it out that I want to execute 3 different instructions... maybe having used 3 sums in the example was misleading $\endgroup$
    – dario
    Commented Nov 13, 2015 at 1:36

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