
I'm trying to do a problem write-up for my quantum mechanics class and would like use Mathematica, since I'm going to be using matrix mechanics, and it seems like the best way to write a lot of matrices, in line, very quickly. However, I'm worried that the default margins are too large to print out a paper. How do you change the default sizes of the margins? Bonus points to answering the following:

Are there any sites that give a comprehensive guide to text editing in Mathematica?

Is there any other software that might be better suited for mathematical writing? My professor is crazy about $\LaTeX$, but I don't really know where to start with that.

I'm on Windows 10

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ With respect to $\LaTeX$, see this Academia.SE question. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 25, 2015 at 3:17
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ The one and only thing that I keep recommending in cases like this is: install LyX, it will let you do anything you need. LyX uses LaTeX behind the scenes, but you can use it without knowing anything about that. For margins, just go to Document > Settings > Page Margins and customize it any way you want. Or, use a predefined document class such as Koma-Script Article which already comes with adjusted margins. The default $\LaTeX$ margins are huge because the creators thought it's more aesthetic and well-balanced. But in the business (MS) world, nobody cared. $\endgroup$
    – Jens
    Commented Oct 25, 2015 at 4:44

2 Answers 2


Here is how to set margins.

  1. Select Printing Options... from the Printing Settings sub-menu of the File menu.
  2. OS X (my system) a drop-down sheet will appear with edit field for the page margins. On Windows I would expect a very similar dialog to appear.




There is a stylesheet on GitHub that you can use

enter link description here

To download, click the "download ZIP" button to the right --> To install the stylesheet: 0. unzip this repository in one folder,

  1. open install.m in Mathematica,
  2. click the button on the right top,
  3. quit Mathematica and restart,
  4. should be able to find in the menu: Format>>Stylesheet>>Cambria Article and Palettes>>XRef Palettes, just pick the stylesheet to apply.

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