Here is the details of the code to plot.
Clear[x, y, ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, ψ4, eqn, eqnWithInitial,v, j];
eqn = Thread[
I D[{ψ1[x, y, t], ψ2[x, y, t], ψ3[x, y, t], ψ4[
x, y, t]},
t] == {v (-I D[ψ3[x, y, t], x] - D[ψ3[x, y, t], y]) +
2 Δ ψ4[x, y, t],
v (-I D[ψ4[x, y, t], x] - D[ψ4[x, y, t], y]),
v (-I D[ψ1[x, y, t], x] + D[ψ1[x, y, t], y]),
v (-I D[ψ2[x, y, t], x] + D[ψ2[x, y, t], y]) +
2 Δ ψ1[x, y, t]}];
eqnWithInitial =
Thread[{ψ1[x, y, 0], ψ2[x, y, 0], ψ3[x, y,
0], ψ4[x, y, 0]} == {1, 1, 1,
1} (x + I*y) Exp[-(x^2 + y^2)]],
Thread[{ψ1[-5, y, t], ψ2[-5, y, t], ψ3[-5, y,
t], ψ4[-5, y, t]} == {ψ1[5, y, t], ψ2[5, y,
t], ψ3[5, y, t], ψ4[5, y, t]}],
Thread[{ψ1[x, -5, t], ψ2[x, -5, t], ψ3[x, -5,
t], ψ4[x, -5, t]} == {ψ1[x, 5, t], ψ2[x, 5,
t], ψ3[x, 5, t], ψ4[x, 5, t]}]];
v = 1;
Δ = 1;
tMax = 8;
solution =
First @ NDSolve[
eqnWithInitial, {ψ1[x, y, t], ψ2[x, y, t], ψ3[x, y,
t], ψ4[x, y, t]}, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}, {t, 0, tMax},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid",
"DifferenceOrder" -> "Pseudospectral"}}];
Ψ1[x_, y_, t_] = ψ1[x, y, t] /. solution;
Ψ2[x_, y_, t_] = ψ2[x, y, t] /. solution;
Ψ3[x_, y_, t_] = ψ3[x, y, t] /. solution;
Ψ4[x_, y_, t_] = ψ4[x, y, t] /. solution;
myrotorz1[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, t_?NumericQ] =
I/2 * (-Conjugate[D[Ψ1[x, y, t], y]] * D[Ψ1[x, y, t], x] +
D[Ψ1[x, y, t],y] * Conjugate[D[Ψ1[x, y, t], x]] +
Conjugate[D[Ψ1[x, y, t], x]] * D[Ψ1[x, y, t], y] -
D[Ψ1[x, y, t], x] * Conjugate[D[Ψ1[x, y, t], y]]);
Here is something that may be reasonable as R. M. suggested
NIntegrate[myrotorz1[x, y, 0], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5},Method -> "Trapezoidal"]
(Debug) During evaluation of In[18]:= NIntegrate::ncvi: NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 9 iterated refinements in y in the region {{-5.,5.},{-5.,5.}}. NIntegrate obtained 0.012104690946256463` and 0.8391566465710514` for the integral and error estimates. >>
(Debug) Out[18]= 0.0121047
My point is to plot for myrotorz1[x, y, t]
as a function of t
but takes too much time. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Plot[NIntegrate[myrotorz1[x, y, t], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5},Method -> "Trapezoidal"], {t, 0, 4}]
do not have numerical values. $\endgroup$myrotorz1
is has syntax errors. Perhaps this is because of an error introduced in transferring your code to this site, but it needs to corrected before we can help you further. $\endgroup$NIntegrate::slwcon
(slow convergence). I'm using V10.2. -- What error are you getting? $\endgroup$