I want to generate a list of n coordinate points which are on the circumference of an ellipse. I wrote this code:
n = 150;
ellipseFunc[a_,b_,t_] := {(a*b*Cos[t]/Sqrt[b*b*Cos[t]*Cos[t] + a*a*Sin[t]*Sin[t]]), (a*b*Sin[t]/Sqrt[b*b*Cos[t]*Cos[t] + a*a*Sin[t]*Sin[t]])};
listell = Table[ellipseFunc123[4, 1, (i - 1)*2*Pi/n], {i, 1, n}];
Graphics[{Red, PointSize[0.01], Point@listell, Blue,Circle[{0, 0}, {4, 1}]}]
This results in an image like this
However, I want the n points to be equidistant on the circumference of the ellipse. The problem with this approach is that of taking equal angles to compute coordinates. I checked onto this question for circle. But most of the answers take similar approach which works well for a circle but not for an ellipse.
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