I am getting the following error when trying to import XML:
text = URLFetch[
ImportString[text, {"XML", "XMLObject"}];
XML`Parser`XMLGetString::prserr: MalformedURLException: The URL used an unsupported protocol at Line: 2 Character: 106. >>
Any suggestions?
directly:Import["http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=protein&id=8&rettype=xml", "XML"]
which seems to produce the same results. $\endgroup$Parser
XMLGet::prserr: MalformedURLException: The URL used an unsupported protocol at Line: 2 Character: 99 in /var/folders/ll/cl5jhpqx40s__jv4_blwsq5h0000gn/T/m000009227691/efetch.fcgi. >> During evaluation of In[171]:= Import::fmterr: Cannot import data as XML format. >> $\endgroup$