I would like to print 1 as 1.00x10^0 by using ScientificForm/PaddedForm. I've tried with
ScientificForm[{N@Sqrt[2]*1*^2, N@\[Pi], 1}, 3, NumberFormat -> (Row@{PaddedForm[#1, {2, 2}], "\[Times]",
Superscript["10", ToString[#3]]} &)]
but I've missed both the exponent (the zero) and the right padding zeros.
Can someone help me? Thanks, Fabio
PaddedForm[ {N@Sqrt[2]*1*^2, N@\[Pi], 1.0}, {3, 2}, ExponentFunction -> (1 Quotient[#, 1] &), NumberFormat -> (Row@{#1, "\[Times]", Superscript["10", ToString[#3]]} &) ]