Is there any set of commands in Mathematica to compute mean shortest path, global clustering coefficient, diameter and radius of the network, etc. for weighted and/or directed graphs? There indeed exists commands which work for undirected and unweighted graphs but not sure for the above graphs.
3 Answers
That does not seem to be possible. I just tried FindShortestTour
Undirected case:
g = Graph[{UndirectedEdge[1, 2]}];
(* {2, {1, 2, 1}} *)
Directed case:
g = Graph[{1 -> 2}];
Fail! Perhaps working around this using the DistanceFunction
option? The idea would be to provide directions using ans asymmetric adjacency matrix:
h = (AdjacencyMatrix[g] // Normal) /. 0 -> Infinity
(* {{∞, 1}, {∞, ∞}} *)
FindShortestTour[Range@Length@h, DistanceFunction -> (h[[#1, #2]] &)]
During evaluation of FindShortestTour::asymdi: The distance function must be symmetric. >>
(* {} *)
This clearly shows that FindShortestTour
expects only undirected graphs.
Yes. Most of the commands for graphs should be expected to work on directed graphs.
Below is some example code.
Generate a graph:
cgr = ButterflyGraph[2]
Make a directed graph with weighted edges:
arules = Most[ArrayRules[AdjacencyMatrix[cgr]]];
arules[[All, 2]] = RandomReal[{0, 1}, Length[arules]];
Floor[0.3*Length[arules]]], 2]] = 0;
wgrMat = SparseArray[
Append[Select[arules, #[[2]] > 0 &], {_, _} -> \[Infinity]]];
wgr = WeightedAdjacencyGraph[wgrMat];
Find shortest path:
FindShortestPath[wgr, 1, 6]
(* Out[266]= {1, 8, 12, 11, 4, 5, 6} *)
Find different parameters of the graph:
Through[{GraphDiameter, GraphRadius, GraphCenter}[wgr]]
(* Out[267]= {3.55888, 1.81135, {11}} *)
Find distances between nodes:
GraphDistanceMatrix[wgr] // MatrixForm
The results above are for this graph:
For almost any graph-related function, check the documentation, and open the Details section. At the bottom you'll find something like:
works with undirected graphs, directed graphs, weighted graphs, multigraphs, and mixed graphs.
So the answer is: you have to look this up individually for every function.
$\begingroup$ The FindShortestTour Details section does not mention directed or undirected graphs. So, some experimentation may be necessary too. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 20:04