If I input:
Assuming[$x_{-} \in$ Reals, FullSimplify[Conjugate[$e^{i x_1}x_2$]]]
Then the output is:
As it should be. And if instead I do:
Assuming[$x_{-} \in$ Reals, FullSimplify[Conjugate[$e^{ix_1}x_2+x_3$]]]
The output is:
Again as it should be. Now for some reason if I do:
Assuming[$x_{-} \in$ Reals, FullSimplify[Conjugate[$e^{ix_1}x_2+e^{ix_3}x_4$]]]
The output is:
So for some reason mathematica does not distribute conjugation over addition in this last case. Mysterious and annoying, as I really need it to in order to progress with writing my code.
is just an undefined symbol. If you're looking for Euler's number: that'sE
in Mathematica. $\endgroup$