I'm trying to perform the following integral with Mathematica 7:
Integrate[(-s^2 + 4*s*t + 2*alpha*s)^(-(1/2)*D),{s, 0, t}, {alpha, 0, Infinity}]]
If I perform the integration with just the t>0 assumption, Mathematica gives:
(1/(-2 + D))If[Re[D] < 2,
( 2^-D t^(2 - D) (
-8 (-4 + D) Gamma[1 + D/2] Hypergeometric2F1[1 - D/2, D/2, 2 - D/2, 1/4]
+ (-2 + D) D Gamma[D/2] Hypergeometric2F1[2 - D/2, D/2, 3 - D/2, 1/4]
))/((-4 + D) (-2 + D) Gamma[1 + D/2]),
Integrate[(-s (s - 4 t))^(1 - D/2)/s, {s, 0, t}, Assumptions -> Re[D] >= 2 && t > 0]]
which indicates that D must be less than 2. If I now use the additional assumption D<2
with Assuming[{t>0,D<2},
Mathematica says that the integral no longer converges. (Also with exchanged places for the integration variables, the integral can no longer be calculated).
Can anyone solve the mystery?
Thanks, Tobias
Simplify[Integrate[(-s^2 + 4*s*t + 2*alpha*s)^(-(1/2)*bigD), {s, 0, t}, {alpha, 0, Infinity}], Assumptions -> {bigD < 2}]
. $\endgroup$D
is a reserved word $\endgroup$