
I have some code which involves tiny numbers being put to the power of very large numbers. The function I'm looking at is

$\varphi = \omega(T) \left(1 - (1 - \epsilon)^{n_{e}(T)} \right)$

when $\epsilon $ is very small (~$10^{-16}$) and $n_{e}$ is large ($> 10^{10}$). Both $n_{e}$ and $\omega$ are known functions of $T$. At a known value ($T = 37$) the value of $\varphi$ is known, and we can in theory estimate $\epsilon$ by

$\epsilon = 1 - \left(1 - \frac{\varphi}{\omega} \right)^{\frac{1}{n_{e}}}$

However, when I put this into Mathematica I'm getting very strange behaviour; here's a MWE when $\varphi(37) = 0.2506$;

gammaex = 0.2506; 
omega[t_] := 2.43163218375*10^7*Exp[1700*(1/298.15 - 1/(273.15 + t))];

w[t_] := (3.414105049212413*10^12)/(omega[t]); 
v[t_] := Sqrt[661.6469313477045*(t + 273.15)];
ne[t_] := (v[t]*5.104757516005496*(10^7));

epsilon = SetAccuracy[ 1 - ( 1 - gammaex/w[37])^(1/ne[37]), 30];
test = w[37]*(1 - (1 - epsilon)^(ne[37]))

Now when I evaluate $\varphi(37)$ via the last line I should get the value 0.2506 but I do not; instead I get $\varphi = 0.289104$, over 15% off the true value. I thought maybe this was a precision problem, so I tried some other commands (Surd, Power...) and got the same wrong value. The output value for the epsilon is $\epsilon \approx 1.11 \times 10^{-16} $ from mathematica.

However I've evaluated this with WolframAlpha and got a markedly different value of $\epsilon \approx 9.61 \times 10^{-17}$, and as this link demonstrates the calculation seems to work with WolframAlpha, returning close to the expected value around 0.25*. Any ideas why the calculations are different, and how I can make Mathematica behave with such extreme values?

Incidentally, if I dump the WolframAlpha equation ( (112608)*(1 - (1 - 9.61369*10^-17)^(2.31246*10^10)) ) directly into Mathematica, it still comes up with the wrong value, so I assume it's a radical issue?

  • $\begingroup$ You are using machine-precision numbers in omega and v (which I presume are Kelvin temperatures), so all the arithmetic is done in machine precision. Try, say, 27315/100 and report back. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 15:51
  • $\begingroup$ Sorry I'm not quite sure what you mean by 27315/100 ? $\endgroup$
    – DRG
    Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 15:58
  • $\begingroup$ I mean, replace those machine-precision numbers in your definitions with exact quantities. I gave you one of them, and you should be able to see the other one to replace. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 16:01
  • $\begingroup$ o37 = SetPrecision[omega[37], 30]; w37 = SetPrecision[w[37], 30]; v37 = SetPrecision[v[37], 30]; ne37 = SetPrecision[v37*5.104757516005496*(10^7), 30]; epsilon = SetPrecision[ 1 - ( 1 - gammaex/w37)^(1/ne37), 30]; I tried the above, but got the same mistake.. am I misunderstanding your suggestion? $\endgroup$
    – DRG
    Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 16:22
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, you certainly are, and I thought I was sufficiently clear, so here goes: replace $273.15$ with $27315/100$ and similarly for the other Kelvin temperature you have and try again. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 16:41

2 Answers 2


As J. M. already suggested, this is a machine precision issue. So let us do your computation with arbitrary precision numbers. For doing so, all machine numbers have to be replaced with arbitrary precision numbers, otherwise the computation falls back to machine numbers. In the following command I have done this by placing `30 after each machine number.




Now the result is what you expected:

(* 0.25060000000000000000000000000 *)
(* 0.2506`28.52376207789293 *)

You can use Rationalize to convert numbers to exact numbers

gammaex = 0.2506 // Rationalize[#, 0] &;
omega[t_] = 
  2.43163218375*10^7*Exp[1700*(1/298.15 - 1/(273.15 + t))] // 
   Rationalize[#, 0] &;

w[t_] = (3.414105049212413*10^12)/(omega[t]) // Rationalize[#, 0] &;
v[t_] = Sqrt[661.6469313477045*(t + 273.15)] // Rationalize[#, 0] &;
ne[t_] = (v[t]*5.104757516005496*(10^7)) // Rationalize[#, 0] &;

epsilon = 1 - (1 - gammaex/w[37])^(1/ne[37]);
test = w[37]*(1 - (1 - epsilon)^(ne[37]))


% // N



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