I would like to deploy the following Manipulate function, which works in a Notebook:
PDF[BetaDistribution[alpha, beta], theta], {theta,
0, 1}, Frame -> {True, True, False, False},
FrameTicks -> {True, False}, FrameLabel -> {"theta", "pdf"},
PlotLabel -> "prior", PlotStyle -> Blue, PlotRange -> Full],
nSampleSize, theta], {nDiseased}], {theta, 0, 1},
Frame -> {True, True, False, False},
FrameTicks -> {True, False}, PlotRange -> Full,
FrameLabel -> {"theta", "likelihood"}, PlotStyle -> Blue,
PlotLabel -> "likelihood"],
BetaDistribution[alpha + nDiseased, beta + nSampleSize -
nDiseased], theta], {theta, 0, 1},
Frame -> {True, True, False, False},
FrameTicks -> {True, False}, PlotRange -> Full,
FrameLabel -> {"theta", "pdf"}, PlotStyle -> Blue,
PlotLabel -> "posterior"]}], ImageSize -> 400]],
Style["Prior parameters", Bold, Medium], {{alpha, 1, "Beta 1"}, 1,
10, 1}, {{beta, 1, "Beta 2"}, 1, 10, 1}, Delimiter,
Style["Data", Bold, Medium], {{nSampleSize, 10, "Sample size"}, 10,
100, 1}, {{nDiseased, 1, "number with disease"}, 1, nSampleSize, 1},
ControlPlacement -> Left]
I have tried:
CloudDeploy[g1, Permissions -> "Public"]
When I click the link that is generated, I am taken to a page with the object in it. However, the sliders don't seem to work properly. Specifically, only the middle graph seems to respond to changes in the sliders.
Does anyone have an idea how I can get this to work?
from the default. Then the middle plot went flat. After a while the plots stopped updating at all. $\endgroup$