The OP's updated example
The OP's example exhibits some numerical problems about which the fastidious ToElementMesh
and even some System
functions complain. Since the OP is dealing with the System`
functions to produce graphics, I'll assume the warnings can be ignored as long as the functions do not fail. There are two things that lead to problems in the OP's example. (1) The RegionPlot
is so fine that somehow it generates parts that lead to error messages. (2) The transformation reverses the orientation and in some cases the order-2 "triangles" (which are really hexagons from a Graphics
point of view) self-intersect due to the curvature of the images of the lines under the transformation.
A simpler approach here is to work with the boundary of the region and manually transform the coordinates. We can also use a linear ElementMesh
since the interest seems to be graphics and not PDEs.
ϕ = (10 y^(1/2))/x > 1 && (10 y^(1/2))/x < 1.2;
reg = DiscretizeGraphics@ RegionPlot[ϕ, {x, 1, 100}, {y, 1, 100}, PlotPoints -> 100];
breg = BoundaryMesh[reg];
: There are components in [reg
] having dimension lower than the embedding dimension 2 that will not be included in the boundary representation. >>
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[
"Coordinates" -> Function[{x, y}, {y, x/y}] @@@ MeshCoordinates[breg],
"BoundaryElements" -> {LineElement @@ Thread[MeshCells[breg, 1], Line]}
emesh = ToElementMesh[bmesh, "MeshOrder" -> 1,
MaxCellMeasure -> {"Area" -> Infinity}];
tmesh = MeshRegion[emesh];
Show[tmesh, AspectRatio -> 1/2, Frame -> True]
My original example
Without a supplied example, let's use this:
reg = DiscretizeGraphics@ RegionPlot[(x^2 + y^2)^2 - 12 x y <= 1, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}]
I get a different error, suggesting that TransformedRegion
is not implemented for mesh regions (well, sort of suggesting something like it).
TransformedRegion[reg, Function[{x, y}, {x - y^2/2, y - x^2/2}]];
TransformedRegion::rnimpl: The function TransformedRegion is not implemented for (reg
) . >>
Such functionality is built into the FEM utilities, though.
emesh = ToElementMesh[reg, "MeshOrder" -> 1]; (* order 1 added in update *)
xfn = Function[{x, y}, x - y^2/2];
yfn = Function[{x, y}, y - x^2/2];
xifn = ElementMeshInterpolation[{emesh}, xfn @@@ emesh["Coordinates"]];
yifn = ElementMeshInterpolation[{emesh}, yfn @@@ emesh["Coordinates"]];
dmesh = ElementMeshDeformation[emesh, {xifn, yifn}];
treg = MeshRegion@dmesh
Notes: (1) Since we're transforming a mesh region, the polygonal boundary will be transformed into a polygonal boundary. ToElementMesh
may subdivide an original boundary segment and the subdividing points will be mapped onto the image of the segment; they will not be mapped on to the boundary of the original region defined by the equation. (2) A transformation that is not 1-1 or reverses orientation will generate an error.
Side note on OP's example and ElementMeshDeformation
It turns out that if we apply the original approach to the boundary mesh breg
, ToElementMesh
complains but produces an ElementMesh
that can be translated to a MeshRegion
without difficulty. (The problem is that the ordering of the vertices of the triangles is wrong.)
emesh = ToElementMesh[breg, "MeshOrder" -> 1];
xfn = Function[{x, y}, y - x];
yfn = Function[{x, y}, x/y - y];
xifn = ElementMeshInterpolation[{emesh}, xfn @@@ emesh["Coordinates"]];
yifn = ElementMeshInterpolation[{emesh}, yfn @@@ emesh["Coordinates"]];
dmesh = ElementMeshDeformation[emesh, {xifn, yifn}]
: The element mesh has insufficient quality of -0.545049. A quality estimate below 0. may be caused by a wrong ordering of element incidents or self-intersecting elements. >>
(* ElementMesh[{{1., 100.}, {0.83334, 9.99999}}, {TriangleElement["<" 12707 ">"]}] *)
Despite the error, we can still use the ElementMesh
to get the desired MeshRegion
tmesh = MeshRegion@dmesh;
Show[tmesh, Frame -> True, AspectRatio -> 1/2]
(* output similar to above *)