Could some one tell me how to obtain numerical value of $a$ and $b$ from equations below:
$$\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{1+exp(b)}{1+exp(a x+b)}=1$$
Could some one tell me how to obtain numerical value of $a$ and $b$ from equations below:
$$\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{1+exp(b)}{1+exp(a x+b)}=1$$
eq1 = (1 + E^b)/(1 + E^(9/10 a + b)) == 95/100;
a0 = a /. Solve[eq1, a] /. C[1] -> 0
f[b1_, x_] := (1 + E^b1)/(1 + E^(x a0 + b1)) /. b -> b1
Quiet@FindRoot[NIntegrate[f[b, x], {x, 0, Infinity}] == 1, {b, -20}]
(* {b -> -29.4444} *)
C[1] -> 0
Solve[eq1, a]
and take a look at the result
Jan 28, 2015 at 13:34