Spelunking the definition of Commonest
, which is written in top-level Mathematica code, I see that the two parameter form is handled by this internal function:
Commonest; (* preload *)
? Statistics`DescriptiveDump`oCommonestSetLength
oCommonestSetLength[list_, n_] :=
Catch[Block[{res, reslen, ord}, res = Tally[list];
reslen = Length[res];
If[reslen < n, Message[Commonest::dstlms, n, reslen];
Throw[res[[All, 1]]]];
If[reslen == n, Throw[res[[All, 1]]]];
ord = Ordering[res[[All, 2]], -n, Less];
res[[Sort[ord], 1]]]]
(Contexts stripped from definition Symbols for clarity.)
Bug fix
The problem lies with the use of Ordering
. Consider:
Ordering[{1, 5, 3, 4, 5}, -1, Less]
This returns the position of the second appearance of the largest value, 5
, rather than the position of its first appearance as Commonest
A one-line fix to handle the case of $n = 1$, suitable for inclusion in kernel/init.m
Statistics`DescriptiveDump`oCommonestSetLength[list_, 1] := Commonest[list][[{1}]]
I suppose the use of Ordering
was a flawed attempt to optimize the earlier version's code which is correct but cumbersome:
res = Transpose[{res, Range[reslen]}];
res = Sort[res, #2[[1, 2]] <= #1[[1, 2]] &];
Sort[Take[res, n], #1[[2]] <= #2[[2]] &][[All, 1, 1]]]
This is quite slow due to the algorithm used by Sort
when it is given a custom ordering function. Ordering
improves upon this but it broke the function for $n = 1$ in doing so. Further the use of the custom ordering function (i.e. Less
) also slows Ordering
, though to a lesser degree.
Fortunately there is now a better tool for us to use: MaximalBy
commonest[list_, n_] :=
Tally[list]\[Transpose] /. {a_, t_} :>
a[[ Sort @ MaximalBy[Range @ Length @ t, t[[#]] &, n] ]]
This is much faster than the System function:
x = RandomInteger[1*^6, 1*^7];
Commonest[x, 99] // AccurateTiming
commonest[x, 99] // AccurateTiming
Commonest[x, 99] === commonest[x, 99]
Sometimes the difference is less but I have not found a case where my function is not faster.
Therefore I recommend, in addition to the bug fix above, placing this code in your kernel/init.m
Commonest (* preload -- do not remove! *);
Statistics`DescriptiveDump`oCommonestSetLength[list_, n_] :=
With[{res = Tally @ list},
With[{len = Length @ res},
If[len < n, Message[Commonest::dstlms, n, len]];
If[len <= n, res[[All, 1]],
res\[Transpose] /. {a_, t_} :>
a[[ Sort @ MaximalBy[Range @ Length @ t, t[[#]] &, Min[len, n]] ]]