I am trying to numerically solve an equation with NDSolve, where there is a ODE coupled to a PDE, like the following:
Derivative[1, 0][u][t,x] ==
-0.8*u[t, x] - (5.*n[t]*Derivative[0, 1][u][t, x])/(5. + n[t]) + (50.*n[t]^2*Derivative[0, 2][u][t, x])/(5. + n[t])^2,
Derivative[1][n][t] ==
100. - 0.8*n[t] - (0.5*Integrate[u[t, x], {x, 0, 2*Pi}]*n[t])/(5. + n[t]),
u[0, x] == 200.,
n[0] == 50.,
u[t, 0] == u[t, 2*Pi]},
{u, n},
{t, 0., 2.},
{x, 0., 6.28}]
Unfortunately Mathematica tells me "NDSolve::ndode: Input is not an ordinary differential equation"
When i change n[t]
to n[t,x]
it calculates something, but n[t,x]
doesn't stay uniform over time, which it should because n
wasn't a function of x
in the first place.
Would anyone know a way around this?
function by hand and explicitly add it to the equation? $\endgroup$[Theta], [Omega]
in place of\[Theta]
and a constant isn't defined. You could edit the question with the full problem - that would help people get interested in this. $\endgroup$