I'm trying to reduce the computation time of a MCMC simulation. Essentially I have a set of particles performing a random walk in a periodic random potential. The particles are independent and every 100 timesteps I perform some checks and modify the state of some of the particles.
This seemed to me a perfect case to be optimized by parallelizing the simulation, but whatever I try I always make things just a little bit worse.
Here is in short detail what I'm doing.
First I define my random potential function U[x] as an interpolation over a simple discrete time random walk
rw[L_] := Accumulate[RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], L]]
myrw = rw[100];
myrw = Rescale[myrw];
ifun = Interpolation[
Transpose[{Range[1, 200], Join[Reverse@myrw, myrw]}],
PeriodicInterpolation -> True];
U[x_] := ifun[x];
Here are the two functions needed to perform a single time step evolution of a particle on my potential (Metropolis-Hastings algorithm):
p[x_, prop_, T_] := Exp[-(U[prop] - U[x])/T];
MCMCEvo[x_, T_] :=
prop = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[x, 0.1]];
Return[If[RandomReal[] < p[x, prop, T], prop, x]]
Then I have a function that checks the state of the particles and with some probability modifies it and then performs 100 time steps of evolution for the whole population. It then returns the state of the particles as a function of this 100-time steps evolution.
PopulationEvolve[pop_, pdiv_, plife_] := Module[{newpop},
(*I leave this SomeFunctionOfTheStates here for the sake of completeness, but commenting it and setting newpop=pop doesn't change anything in the timings*)
newpop = SomeFunctionOfTheStates[#,pdiv,plife]&/@pop;
Return[(Join[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}, {Mean[U /@ #], Last[#]} &[NestList[MCMCEvo[#, 0.1] &, If[#[[2]] == 0, RandomReal[{0, 100}], #[[4]]],100]]])& /@ newpop]
Then I generate 2 populations, one with 100 elements and one with 400 to perform some tests:
pop100 = Table[{1, 0, 0, RandomReal[{1, 100}]}, {i, 100}];
pop400 = Table[{1, 0, 0, RandomReal[{1, 100}]}, {i, 400}];
and try parallelized and unparallelized calculations (4-Cores i5-2.6GHz):
AbsoluteTiming[PopulationEvolve[pop400, 0.8, 1]][[1]]
AbsoluteTiming[Table[PopulationEvolve[pop100, 0.8, 1], {i, 4}]][[1]]
AbsoluteTiming[ParallelTable[PopulationEvolve[pop100, 0.8, 1], {i, 4}]][[1]]
and these proportions doesn't change even if I make PopulationEvolve perform 1000 time steps instead of 100: in principle I would expect the ratios to change in favor of the parallelized version, since the ratio between data exchanged between the kernels and length of the computation changes.
(*With 1000 time steps*)
AbsoluteTiming[PopulationEvolve[pop400, 0.8, 1]][[1]]
AbsoluteTiming[Table[PopulationEvolve[pop100, 0.8, 1], {i, 4}]][[1]]
AbsoluteTiming[ParallelTable[PopulationEvolve[pop100, 0.8, 1], {i, 4}]][[1]]
I'm not very experienced with parallel calculations but, since now, once I was sure that there was no interactions among the parallel calculations the only bottlenecks I've ever found were about passing too much data back and forth to the kernels, which doesn't seem to be the case in this example.
What am I missing here and what would be a good way to parallelize this?
if needed so all kernels "know" about functions you've defined? $\endgroup$1
on a 4-core i7 with 4 subkernels (not 8 that would be launched by default), I'll take a detailed look a few hours later. $\endgroup$SystemInformation[]
outputs if those can help. $\endgroup$