I have a lesson notebook for a class I am teaching. I'd like to separate the lesson content and the practice problems. Students are using the CDFPlayer program, not Mathematica.
I created a button that will open a specific notebook…
NotebookOpen[FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[ButtonNotebook[]], "sample.nb"}]]]
and this works fine in the CDFPlayer.
However, selecting a "random" question from a list of files doesn't. Something in my code doesn't work in the free player. (The same code works fine in Mathematica)
This is what I tried:
NotebookOpen[RandomChoice[FileNames[{"*.nb"}, {NotebookDirectory[ButtonNotebook[]]}]]]]
I'm wondering if someone could offer a suggestion? I'd like a button that when clicked, will open a notebook from a folder of practice problems, and work in the CDFPlayer.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
I see (and appreciate) the feedback that the free CDFPlayer is NOT able to open files. So that answers my question...
is disallowed because it looks as if you were fishing for what files are available. TryButton["open", Print @ RandomChoice[FileNames[{"*.nb"}, {NotebookDirectory[ButtonNotebook[]]}]]]
. It might give you more insight. $\endgroup$