One route to parallelism would be to consider so called MultiStart routines. MultiStart routines try to find a global minimum by launching lots of local minimisation routines where each local minimiser is given a different starting point. This will result in a set of local minima and you choose the best one as your estimate for the global minimum.
It is easy to code up a crude MultiStart routine in Mathematica by making use of the FindMinimum function. Using the objective function you provided but with a shorter Pause because life is short:
(*Define Objective function*)
objFn[coeff_, xMin_, xMax_, n_] := (Pause[0.5];
Total[(Cos[#] -
Sum[coeff[[i]] #^(i - 1), {i, 1, Length@coeff}]) & /@
Range[xMin, xMax, (xMax - xMin)/n]]^2);
(*Find a local minimum given 4 start values*)
localmin[{x1Start_, x2Start_, x3Start_, x4Start_}] :=
N@objFn[{x1, x2, x3, x4}, \[Pi]/3, 2 \[Pi]/3, 10], {{x1,
x1Start}, {x2, x1Start}, {x3, x1Start}, {x4, x1Start}}];
(*Makes these results reproducible*)
(*Get a set of random starting values*)
startValues = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {10, 4}];
(*Run the local minimiser sequentially and time*)
solutions = Map[localmin, startValues]; // AbsoluteTiming
{5.020638, Null}
(*We want the global minimum so pick out the best solution from the \
ones found above*)
sortedsols = Sort[solutions, #1[[1]] < #2[[1]] &]
{{0., {x1 -> 0.0253651, x2 -> 0.0184109, x3 -> 0.00615132,
x4 -> -0.0159673}}, {0., {x1 -> -0.147831, x2 -> -0.107301,
x3 -> -0.0358506,
x4 -> 0.0930593}}, {7.88861*10^-31, {x1 -> -0.146892,
x2 -> -0.10662, x3 -> -0.0356231,
x4 -> 0.0924686}}, {1.77494*10^-30, {x1 -> 0.108726,
x2 -> 0.0789175, x3 -> 0.0263673,
x4 -> -0.068443}}, {1.77494*10^-30, {x1 -> -0.104234,
x2 -> -0.0756567, x3 -> -0.0252778,
x4 -> 0.065615}}, {3.15544*10^-30, {x1 -> -0.140502,
x2 -> -0.101982, x3 -> -0.0340734,
x4 -> 0.0884461}}, {3.15544*10^-30, {x1 -> 0.428813,
x2 -> 0.311249, x3 -> 0.103992,
x4 -> -0.269937}}, {2.55591*10^-28, {x1 -> -0.349438,
x2 -> -0.253635, x3 -> -0.0847425,
x4 -> 0.219971}}, {1.26218*10^-27, {x1 -> 0.574574, x2 -> 0.417047,
x3 -> 0.139341,
x4 -> -0.361693}}, {1.81754*10^-27, {x1 -> -0.659541,
x2 -> -0.478719, x3 -> -0.159946, x4 -> 0.41518}}}
(*Pull out the best solution*)
bestsol = sortedsols[[1]]
{0., {x1 -> 0.0253651, x2 -> 0.0184109, x3 -> 0.00615132,
x4 -> -0.0159673}}
Doing it in parallel is easy:
(*Let's do that in parallel with the same set of startValues*)
parsolutions = ParallelMap[localmin, startValues]; // AbsoluteTiming
{1.006628, Null}
I get a very nice speed up on my quadcore. The best solution is, of course, the same as the sequential version
In[33]:= sortedparsols = Sort[parsolutions, #1[[1]] < #2[[1]] &];
In[34]:= bestsol = sortedparsols[[1]]
Out[34]= {0., {x1 -> 0.0253651, x2 -> 0.0184109, x3 -> 0.00615132,
x4 -> -0.0159673}}
This method is also used by The Mathworks in their global optimisation toolbox