I know that I can embed a CDF file inside a web page by using:
- The embed tag.
- An object tag with an embed tag inside (better than 1).
- Using the JavaScript provided by Wolfram (better than 2).
My question is how can I pass some data to the CDF file. In the case of Flash, there is a flashvars attribute precisely for this, but I can't find the equivalent for this in Wolfram's CDF deployment documentation.
I need this because I plan to embed a CDF in a set of pages that are similar but each for a different set of data. And I want to generate a single CDF for all of them.
If this is not possible in this direction, I would be interested in knowing about solutions in the opposite direction: reading the DOM from the CDF file as this would solve my problem too.
UPDATE (June 16, 2015): This is now possible in CDF Player 10 with CurrentValue["PluginParameters"]
. For more information, please see this community thread: http://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/309578