We have 3 circles. The middle one has to move along the line y=-x towards the top left such that the resulting area of the respective intersecting regions become 4:1
I have below thus far to just depict it with 1 simple example with center located at (-2/10,2/10) But like to have this as a variable and dynamically move it higher in the NW direction to hit that area.
Would be nice to see a dial to drag to move the middle circle up/down and have areas shown! And of course to have an exact value for the desired 4:1 ratio
circles1 = {
Circle[{-1, 1}, 1],
Circle[{-2/10, 2/10}, 1]
circles2 = {
Circle[{1, -1}, 1],
Circle[{-2/10, 2/10}, 1]
disks1 = circles1 /. Circle -> Disk;
reg1 = RegionIntersection[disks1]
area1 = RegionMeasure[reg1]
disks2 = circles2 /. Circle -> Disk;
reg2 = RegionIntersection[disks2]
area2 = RegionMeasure[reg2]
{RandomColor[], #} & /@ circles1, Axes -> True,
PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}},
{RandomColor[], #} & /@ circles2, Axes -> True,
PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}},
Line[{{2, -2}, {-2, 2}}]
, RegionPlot[reg1], RegionPlot[reg2]
graphics to show $\endgroup$