I'm trying to identify the frequencies in my time history samples, and I can see a frequency in the time history, but can't see it in its Fourier transform. Here it is :
the sample data:
dt = 0.01;(*0.01 second per sample*)
Fourier transform function:
DFT[A_, ht_] := RotateRight[ht/Sqrt[2 \[Pi]]*Fourier[RotateLeft[A, Length[A]/2 - 1],
FourierParameters -> {1, 1}], Length[A]/2 - 1];
(*shift the zero frequency to the center*)
plot the time history:
ListPlot[ls, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> True, DataRange -> {0, dt*Length[ls]}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True]
We can see there are a fast frequency with period about 0.02s and a slow frequency with period about 1.5s, but in the Fourier transform we only see the fast frequency(except the zero frequency)
ListPlot[Abs[DFT[ls, dt]]^2, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> True, DataRange -> {- 1/dt/2, 1/dt/2}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True]
So where is the low frequency?
As Simon and bill suggest, the slow oscillation is the beating of two close high frequencies. Since the Fourier transform resolution is 2Pi/(N*dt), where N is the number of sample points, so if I increase the resolution by increasing the number of sample points I should see two separated peaks. So I tried to increase the number of sample points, but I can only see one peak all the time. Here is how I did it:
w = 5.0; dt = 0.66125;
f[x_] := Sin[w x]
ls = Table[f[x], {x, dt, 200 dt, dt}];
we see beating in the plot
ListPlot[ls, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> True, DataRange -> {dt, 200 dt}]
but one on peak in the Fourier transform:
ListPlot[Abs[DFT[ls, dt]]^2, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> True, DataRange -> {-1/dt/2, 1/dt/2}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True]
If we increase the number of sample points, we still only see one peak:
ls2 = Table[f[x], {x, dt, 800 dt, dt}];
ListPlot[Abs[DFT[ls2, dt]]^2, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> True, DataRange -> {-1/dt/2, 1/dt/2}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True]
So where is the problem?
Periodogram[ls, SampleRate -> 100]
. The 0 Hz spike has distinct shoulders, but the 0.66 Hz signal cannot be disambiguated. This suggests some windowing is needed, but playing with it, I can't seem to pull it out, either. $\endgroup$ft = Fourier[ls]; ft[[;; 150]] *= 0; ft[[-150 ;;]] *= 0; ListLinePlot[Re[InverseFourier[ft]]]
$\endgroup$fbeat = 2(w/(2Pi)-1/(2dt)) = 0.079