I am attempting to follow the method outlined in this paper on page 5, where the first step requires solving a 2 point boundary value problem. I have tried using the Shooting Method, but to no avail.
Subscript[\[Rho], s] = 8000; Subscript[\[Rho], w] = 1000; g = 9.81; \[Gamma] = 72.8/10^3; R = 50/10^3; Bo = R^2/\[Lambda]^2; Q = Bo*X[\[Psi]] - Sin[\[Psi]]/\[CapitalSigma][\[Psi]];
\[Lambda] = Sqrt[\[Gamma]/(Subscript[\[Rho], w]*g)];
zero = 10^(-6);
\[Omega] = 40*Degree;
\[Theta] = 100*Degree;
\[Beta] = \[Theta] - \[Omega];
inf = 1;
H0 = -R/7; sol = NDSolve[{Derivative[1][X][\[Psi]] == Sin[\[Psi]]/Q, Derivative[1][\[CapitalSigma]][\[Psi]] == Cos[\[Psi]]/Q, \[CapitalSigma][zero] == inf, X[zero] == zero}, {X, \[CapitalSigma]},
{\[Psi], \[Beta], 0}, Method -> {"Shooting", "StartingInitialConditions" -> {X[\[Beta]] == H0, \[CapitalSigma][\[Beta]] == Sin[\[Theta]]}}]
It seems that I have specified the boundary condition wrongly. Thank you for any help.