I am trying to plot a few functions which have very large numeric outputs. One can however scale the outputs to make the values small. I will paste the function here
Mhawk1[tt_, minit_] = (
500000000 (30/(37 \[Pi]))^(
1/3) ((412016053 minit^3 \[Pi])/3750000000000000000000000000 - (
134745444 tt)/5)^(1/3))/3337^(2/3);
I write one more function that plots the above function till for a given value of minit
for values of tt
such that the argument inside the radical is greater than or equal to zero.
mhawkplot[minit_] :=
Mhawk1[tt, minit], {tt, 0, (412016053 minit^3 \[Pi])/
101059083000000000000000000000000000}, ImageSize -> Large,
PlotRange -> All]
I have to now compare these plots for various values of minit
. For example $10^10$ and $10^11$. But the plot for the larger of these two values does no start from $tt = 0$ and does not end where the function becomes zero as well.
p1 = mhawkplot[10^10];
p2 = mhawkplot[10^11];
Show[p1, p2]
Is there a way to do this better? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.