I obtain a set of points which are the solutions of f[b, c, d] == 0
by this code
f[b_, c_, d_] = -11 c^4 - 4 c^2 b + (7 + b) c + 8 (c + d/9) d^3;
points = N[{b, c, d} /. FindInstance[f[b, c, d] == 0 && -(1/2) < b < 0 && -1/2 < c < 0 && 0 < d < 6, {b, c, d}, 3]]
(* {{-0.472637, -0.344828, 3.17978}, {-0.313433, -0.44335, 4.04363}, {-0.0447761, -0.216749, 2.12847}} *)
Question. Then, I want to plot another function g
at those obtained points. In the code below, I substituted the points manually, how can I ask Mathematica to do this replacement by a code (I mean without putting them by hand)?
g = (-7 b^2)/(c + 2 d)^6;
p1 = Plot[g /. {b -> -0.472636815920398` , c -> -0.3448275862068966`, d ->3.179783265064255` }, {t, 0, 3}];
p2 = Plot[g /.{b -> -0.31343283582089554`, c-> -0.4433497536945813`, d -> 4.043627580473731` }, {t, 0, 3}];
p3 = Plot[g /. {b -> -0.04477611940298507`, c -> -0.21674876847290642`, d ->2.1284701801564667`}, {t, 0, 3}];