I have created a tool box for experimenting with the Collatz conjecture. Info here: Wolfram MathWorld and here: Wikipedia The patterns I have found allow us to make the conjecture jump through some hoops.
Final Edit countOrbit
has been re-cast as a Do Until
loop because the logic behaves similar to a one-directional linked list and I don't think it can be improved.
Note: the number of sub orbits $\leq$ (total steps) / 6
Edit for the down-voters: the current maximum that collatz projects have reached is around $10^{18}$. The example below has two numbers $10^{301030}$ and $10^{477119}$ that my functions can use quickly and accurately. That is many magnitudes greater that what is currently being done. So, why the down-votes?
This is one example: m is the count of numbers in an ascending sequence. uniqueRank[1,m] returns the first number of the first unique sub orbit of that length. omegaSubOrbit[x,m] returns the last number of that sub orbit. We display the digit counts of these numbers. Then we count the complete orbit down to 1. This takes a bit over 12 minutes on my AMD 1100T. The left-hand number is the count of multiplies (we don't count divisions by two) and the right-hand count is the number of sub orbits used to get the counts.
m = 1000000; x = uniqueRank[1, m];
y = omegaSubOrbit[x, m];
{IntegerLength[x], IntegerLength[y]}
countOrbit[1, x]
{301030, 477119}
{4805005, 1903828}
{13420758, 1903828} 7.8 minutes to count all multiplies and divides
My question: Since I'm using For
and While
in a few places, is there a way to speed up those functions? Especially, the countOrbit function?
ascendingQ[x_] := 3 == Mod[x, 4]
uniqueQ[x_] := 0 != Mod[2 x - 1, 3]
subOrbit[x_] :=
Block[{y = x},
Table[y \[DirectedEdge] (y = 1/2 (3 y + 1)), {n, 1,
IntegerExponent[x + 1, 2] - 1}], {y \[DirectedEdge] (3 y + 1)/
2^IntegerExponent[3 y + 1, 2]}]]]
createSubOrbitGraph[n_] :=
Block[{j, v = {}},
For[j = 1, j <= n, j++,
If[uniqueQ[2 j + 1], AppendTo[v, subOrbit[2 j + 1]]];
uniqueRank[n_, m_] := Block[{a = If[1 != n && OddQ[n], n - 1, n]},
(n + IntegerExponent[a, 2]) 2^m - 1]
nonUniqueRank[n_, m_] := (2 n - 1) 2^m - 1
createOrbit[w_, x_] := Block[{u = subOrbit[x]},
While[w < u[[-1, 2]],
u = Flatten[AppendTo[u, subOrbit[u[[-1, 2]]]]]];
createOrbitGraph[n_] :=
Block[{j, u = {}},
For[j = 1, j <= n, j++,
If[uniqueQ[2 j + 1], u = Union[u, createOrbit[2 j + 1, 2 j + 1]]];
omegaSubOrbit[x_, m_] :=
Block[{z = (-1 + (3/2)^m (1 + x))}, 2^(1 - IntegerExponent[2 z, 2]) z]
omegaSubOrbit[x_] :=
Block[{m = IntegerExponent[x + 1, 2], z = (-1 + (3/2)^m (1 + x))},
2^(1 - IntegerExponent[2 z, 2]) z]
countOrbit[w_, x_] :=
Block[{h = x, t, c, d = 0, s = 0, l = 0, m, n, a},
m = IntegerExponent[h + 1, 2];
t = -1 + (3/2)^m (1 + h);
n = IntegerExponent[t, 2];
l += m;
d += n;
s += 1;
h = t/2^n;
If[h <= w, Break[]];
c = 2 l + d;
a = If[1 == w, "Full ", "Extended Sub "];
Print["---Counts ", a, "Orbit---",
"\nNumber of Sub Orbits: ", s,
"\nMultiplications by 3: ", l,
"\nDivisions by 2: ", l,
"\nExtra Divisions by 2: ", d,
"\nTotal for Orbit: ", c]
Some brief documentation:
ascendingQ[x] Returns True if odd x is ascending, False if descending
uniqueQ[x] Returns True if odd x is not embedded in any longer sequence
subOrbit[x] Returns graph data in the form {Head[DirectedEdge]Tail}
createSubOrbitGraph[n] Returns graph data of sub orbits up through n
uniqueRank[n, m] Returns the first number of the n-th unique occurance of a sub orbit of size m
nonUniqueRank[n, m] Returns the first number of the n-th occurance of a sub orbit of size m, which may not be unique.
createOrbit[w, x] Returns graph data for w=1 complete orbit or w=x extended sub orbit
Note: for a graph, both are equivalent. w=x produces fewer duplicates.
createOrbitGraph[n] Returns graph data of extended sub orbits up through n
omegaSubOrbit[x] Returns the last odd number of a sub orbit. (The one that required multiple divides.)
omegaSubOrbit[x, m] Same as above, but uses m to speed up the first step
countOrbit[w, x] Returns the count of multiply and division steps and the count of sub orbits processed, for w=1 complete orbit or w=x extended sub orbit
Edit Replaced countOrbit[w,x] with refined version that counts divisions and multiplication. Reduced the time from 15 minutes to 7.8 minutes for the above example.
skips the even steps and some indication this is done correctly and so on.. $\endgroup$