I want to demonstrate the fact that the main part of a Mandelbrot fractal is consisted of a cardioid and some circles. So at first, I wrote this line:
With[{cardiod = PolarPlot[(1 - Cos[t])/2, {t, -Pi, Pi},
Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, Red]]},
Show[{MandelbrotSetPlot[], cardiod}]]
which results in
But if I Translate
the cardioid to right, it won't be recognized as a Graphics
object. For example
Show[{MandelbrotSetPlot[], Translate[cardiod, {1/4, 0}]}]
results in an error saying Could not combine the graphics objects
. I also looked at this question and other linked ones and tried something like this:
p = PolarPlot[(1 - Cos[t])/2, {t, -Pi, Pi},
Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, Red]];
g = Graphics[Translate[p, {1/4, 0}][[1]]];
Show[{MandelbrotSetPlot[], g}]
but again, it doesn't work.