I was solving an ordinary non-linear differential equation of the fourth order in the picture attached
to the following code:
S=1,4,7,10; M = 1; a= .4;
solution =
NDSolve[{D[F[t],t,t,t,t] == (a/(1+a))*S*(t*F[t]+3*D[F[t],t,t]+D[F[t],t]*D[F[t],t,t]+F[t]*D[F[t],t,t,t])+(a/(1+a))*(M^2)*D[F[t],t,t],
F[0] == 0, (D[F[t],t,t] /. t -> 0) == 0,
F[1] == 1, (D[F[t],t,t] /. t -> 1) == 0}, F, {t,0,1}]
Plot[Evaluate[First[F[t] /. solution]], {t,0,1}]
I want to plot the solution with different values of S, How is it?
and then in the equation includeM^2
? $\endgroup$