When I solve this differential equation with NDSolve, I get a numerical solution for H[x]:
Code for the differential equation:
sol1 = NDSolve[{(H'[x])^2 - ((1 + 6 H[x]^2)^2 H[x]^2)/(
6 (1 + 18 H[x]^2)) + ((1 + 6 H[x]^2)^2 E^-x)/(
18 (1 + 18 H[x]^2)) == 0, H[0] == 1}, H, {x, 0, 20}]
I want to use the numerical solution (The solution that I get for the equation that is above) for solving numerically this equation ( I want to get x[t])
Code for the equation that I want to solve
x'[t] == -2 H'[x]
because your system appears to blow up beyond 1.7 thenPlot[H[x]/.sol1,{x,0,1.7}]
because there appear to be two solutions thenPlot[{x1,x2},{x,0,1.7}]
to find the value of x1 when t==1.0 $\endgroup$