The term hypergeometric function points to its origin, the geometric series
(1-x)^-1 = Sum[x^n,{n,0,oo}
This series has a pole at x=1 and converges in the complex open unit circle.
Its no problem, to use this series in greater circles centered at points on the real axis
(1-(x-a)^-1 = (1+a-x )^-1 = (1+a)^-1 * (1- x/(1+a))^-1
except for a=1. This is simply due to the fact that the function 1/x has no power series representation. It is its own Laurent series with one term.
It automatically follows, that all power series share the fact that their coefficients approach 1 for n->oo, producing a single pole at z=1. one has has to avoid the pole at z=1 in any evaluation procedure.
The defining series of the Gaussian hypergeometric functions all have quotients of products that grow as n! for large n and so the coeffienctients converge to 1 producing at least the pole at 1.
But this is not all: The coefficient series will contain subseries of the series converging as 1/n^k. They are producing logarithms and their integrals, all having a branch cut on (1,oo) (conventionally, or somewhere else on a curve joining the points 1 -- oo in the complex plane)
Of course there are exceptions: if the first parameter is a negative integer, the series terminates and yields a polynomial. Other cases avoiding logarithms exist.
(Coefficient[ Normal@Series[Hypergeometric2F1[2, 3, 4, x],
{x, 1, 4}] , {(x - 1)^-1, Log[1 - x]}]) // FullSimplify
{-3, 6 (35 + x (-105 + x (126 + 5 x (-14 + 3 x))))}
Hypergeometric2F1[-3, 3, 4, x]
1/20 (20 - 45 x + 36 x^2 - 10 x^3)
Rule of thumb for non-analysts: If in the definition of a function in the tables a branch cut is indicated, its always a good idea to assume that the complex argument makes a step of a ratonal multiople q*pi over the cut and and the complex values differ by exp(+-i q p). The standard case of a logarithm produces a change of sign, in rational powers its a factor on the unit circle.
The orignal question: How to circumvent the pole at z1 in the complex plane probably has two answers: Integrate on a little half circle around z=1 in the upper or lower plane. Depending on explicit powers and logs at z==1 the reuslts differ by the count of phases aquired.
Lets see:
f = With[{a = 1.23, b = 2.87, c = 2.76},
NDSolveValue[{z (1 - z) w''[z] + (c - (a + b + 1) z) w'[z] - a b w[z] == 0,
w[2] == 1, w'[2] == (a b)/c},
w, {z, 1.2, 10} ]];
g = With[{a = 1.23, b = 2.87, c = 2.76},
DSolveValue[{z (1 - z) w''[z] + (c - (a + b + 1) z) w'[z] - a b w[z] == 0,
w[2] == 1, w'[2] == (a b)/c},
w, {z, 1.2, 10} ]]
Function[{z}, ((8.46197 + 1.35955 I) Hypergeometric2F1[-0.53,
1.11, -0.76, z])/z^( 44/25) - (10.5438 - 1.56523 I) Hypergeometric2F1[1.23, 2.87, 2.76, z]]
Plot[{f[x], g[x]}, {x, 1.2, 10}, PlotStyle -> {{Red, Thickness[0.02]}, {Black}}]
ComplexPlot3D[g[z], {z, -1 - I, 2 + I}]
Its obvious that there is a branch cut along the positive real line x>1 and without exact description such definitions are of value for the complex analysts and theoretical physicists only.
The reason: Such integrals along cuts arise typically as solutions of wave equations of the second order in time and space by Fourier transforms. The two different solutions on the cut correspond to the split of the space of solutions into time forward and time backward. These two classes have obviously not very much in common, algebrically as phyically. The forward mode is used in preparing a signal sent to the receiving community in the future, the set of backward modes is used to analyze arriving signals.
Hypergeometric2F1[a, b, c, z]
atz == 1
depends onc-b-a
, and that's probably going to cause trouble. You can integrate around the singularity (along a path in the complex plane) to obtain initial conditions on either side. $\endgroup$