
I finally installed 13.3 coming from 12.3 and I was giving some new features a test. I was excited by the new PlotLayout feature of Plot that generates grids of plots sharing axes. However, I ran into trouble trying to control the appearance of the frame ticks when compared to the standard overlaid presentation:

f = Plot[
      {Sin[x], Sin[2 x] - 1/2, Cos[x], Sin[x]^2}, {x, -2 Pi, 2 Pi},
      Frame -> True, Axes -> False,
      FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, None}, {Range[-2 Pi, 2 Pi, Pi], None}}
      PlotLayout -> #
    ] &;

f /@ {"Row", Automatic}

four plots, with clipped ticks at top and non-symbolic ticks at bottom the same four plots, but overlaid in a single panel

The bottom is what I would have expected: the horizontal frame ticks are symbolic multiples of $\pi$, and no ticks are produced at the bottom and on the right of the plot.

The top figure, stemming from the "Row" arrangement, was surprising to me: I didn't get the symbolic ticks at the bottom, there are unexpected ticks at the top that are partially clipped, there are clipped ticks on the right as well... In short, a rather poor presentation.

  • How do I get symbolic ticks in a multipanel plot?
  • How do I achieve control of which ticks are shown on which axes?
  • I understand the choice of making all plots the same color in the Row presentation but, if needed, could I have the grid of plots automatically styled in the default colors, as used in the standard overlaid presentation?
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ From what I can tell, the PlotLayout functionality offers very limited (if any) per-panel control over the various settings (although this is rather a case of not even a common setting working). If you really want the extra level of control, I'd suggest you to take a look at ResourceFunction["PlotGrid"] - while less automatic, you can simply style each panel as you want before combining them (with many options for fine-tuning the result) $\endgroup$
    – Lukas Lang
    Commented Jul 7, 2023 at 23:54

1 Answer 1


As Lukas Lang noted in comments ResourceFunction["PlotGrid"] is a much more convenient alternative to PlotLayout.

A work-around to get the desired results using PlotLayout:

  1. Wrap input functions with desired styles using Style.
  2. Specify ticks as a list of $\{value, label\}$ pairs.
  3. Use FrameTicksStyle to make unwanted ticks invisible.

funcs = {Sin[x], Sin[2 x] - 1/2, Cos[x], Sin[x]^2};

colors = ColorData["Rainbow"] /@ Rescale[Range[Length @ funcs]];

styledfuncs = MapThread[Style] @ {funcs, colors};

ft = {{Automatic, None},
  {Transpose[{#, ToString[#, TraditionalForm] & /@ #}] & @ 
   Range[-2 π, 2 π, π], None}};

f2 = Plot[Evaluate @ styledfuncs,
    {x, -2 π, 2 π},
    PlotLegends -> "Expressions",
    Axes -> False,
    Frame -> True,
    FrameTicks -> ft,
    FrameTicksStyle -> {{Automatic, Opacity[0]}, {Automatic, Opacity[0]}},
    PlotLayout -> #] &;

Grid[List /@ 
  {f2["Row", ImageSize -> 1 -> 70, Method -> {"Spacings" -> {16, 1}}],
   f2[Automatic, ImageSize -> 1 -> 60]}]

enter image description here

Grid[List @ 
   {f2["Column", ImageSize -> 1 -> 70,
      PlotLegends -> None, Method -> {"Spacings" -> {5, 5}}],
    f2[Automatic, ImageSize -> 1 -> 60]}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Excellent as usual. Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Jul 10, 2023 at 14:06

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