I'm trying to solve the following equation for small values of $\epsilon$, ie, $\epsilon\approx 10^{-12}$.
$$e^{-t \epsilon } \text{csch}(t) \sinh (t-t \epsilon ) = \epsilon$$
Using FindRoot
below suffers from numerical precision issues, which don't appear to be addressed by extended precision. IE, using 100 digits of precision works for $\epsilon= 10^{-6}$, but gets stuck for $\epsilon=10^{-9}$
loss = E^(-ε t) Csch[t] Sinh[t - ε t];
prec = 100; setPrec[t_] := SetPrecision[t, prec + 1];
findSteps[e0_] :=
Block[{ε = setPrec[e0]},
t /. FindRoot[loss == ε, {t, 1/ε},
WorkingPrecision -> prec]];
Any tips?