I think this is probably related to Parallel evaluation of Image and Rasterize problem. Briefly, Rasterize
is not done by the kernel but by the front-end.
For example, when you don't include rasterization, the output of ParallelTable
is still Graphics[{face[...]}]
, and it is then the main front-end that afterwards converts this to your shapes.
ParallelTable[InputForm@Graphics[{face[i]}, ImageSize -> Tiny], {i, {0, .2}}]
(* {Graphics[{face[0]}, ImageSize -> Tiny],
Graphics[{face[0.2]}, ImageSize -> Tiny]} *)
ParallelTable[ToBoxes@Graphics[{face[i]}, ImageSize -> Tiny], {i, {0, .2}}]
(* {GraphicsBox[{face[0]}, ImageSize -> Tiny],
GraphicsBox[{face[0.2]}, ImageSize -> Tiny]}
Therefore, you need to somehow get your definitions to the front-ends that are initiated by the subkernels. DistributeDefinitions
doesn't work, but ParallelEvaluate
seems to do the job. Maybe there are also some other viable solutions.
SetAttributes[createPrimitive, HoldAll];
createPrimitive[patt_, expr_] :=
Typeset`MakeBoxes[p : patt, fmt_, Graphics] :=
Typeset`MakeBoxes[Interpretation[expr, p], fmt, Graphics];
face[x_ : 0.1], {Circle[{0, 0}, 1], Circle[{-0.3, 0.5}, x],
Circle[{0.3, 0.5}, x], Line[{{-0.4, -0.2}, {0.4, -0.2}}]}];];
ParallelTable[Rasterize@Graphics[{face[i]}, ImageSize -> Tiny], {i, 0, 0.3, 0.3/5}]
?? face
and you will see that face is not defined. Or look at the color. $\endgroup$Typeset`MakeBoxes
, try#[[Position[#, face[__], Infinity] // Flatten // First]] &[ DownValues@Typeset`MakeBoxes]
. For more info, please read the linked post in the question carefully. $\endgroup$