I am trying to get a numerical root of a function defined as below. But after some large recursion the kernel get crashed. But for relatively low recursion(10000) that does not make any problem. But I need to do the recursion for about 200000 time. Here I am attaching the code. Anyone please help me to overcome this problem.
RootFinderDo[(\[Omega]_)?NumberQ, L_, MAX_, r_, M_, Q_, dQdr_] := (ClearAll[A, B, G, \[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma], \[Delta], S]; \[Alpha][n_] := ((1 - 2*M)/r)*(n*(n + 1)); \[Beta][n_] := -2*n*(I*(\[Omega]/M)*r + (1 - (3*M)/r)*n); \[Gamma][n_] := (1 - (6*M)/r)*n*(n - 1) + (6*M)/r - L*(L + 1); \[Delta][n_] := ((2*M)/r)*(n - 3)*(n + 1);A[0] = -1; B[0] = r*(dQdr/Q + (I*(\[Omega]/M)*r)/(r - 2*M)); A[1] = \[Alpha][1]; B[1] = \[Beta][1]; G[1] = \[Gamma][1]; A[n_] := A[n] = \[Alpha][n]; G[n_] := G[n] = \[Gamma][n] - (B[n - 1]*\[Delta][n])/G[n - 1]; B[n_] := B[n] = \[Beta][n] - (A[n - 1]*\[Delta][n])/G[n - 1]; S[MAX] = G[MAX]/B[MAX];Do[S[n] = G[n + 1]/(B[n + 1] - A[n + 1]*S[n + 1]), {n, MAX - 1, 0, -1}]; RR = B[0] - A[0]*S[0])
\[Omega]guess = 0.0065
Block[{$RecursionLimit = 20000}, FindRoot[RootFinderDo[\[Omega], 2, 15000, 1.2579481679118418*^6, 196567.4968628099, -761321.9343226571 - 24959.124711629214*I, -1.9220363777903136 - 0.06301190533310615*I] == 0, {\[Omega], \[Omega]guess}]]
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