In a previews thread, I asked about how can I solve coupled PDEs. The problem I had was the following one:
What I was given were the following:
$\vec r_1(t)=l_f(t)(sin(\phi_1(t)),-cos(\phi_1(t)))$
$\vec r_2(t)=\vec r_1(t)+l_2(sin(\phi_2(t)),-cos(\phi_2(t)))$
l1 - was given as the rest position of the spring. With the help of a community member (Numerical solution for coupled PDEs) I was able to further develop and write down my code. But the problem is that, I forgot that here we are dealing with non-linear oscillation and I do not know how that should affect my expressions. And also the fact that the code doesn't work properly, I get errors, specially when I am trying to animate the whole process. This is how far I've gone:
x1[t_] = lf[t]*Sin[Phi1[t]]
y1[t_] = lf[t]*(-Cos[Phi1[t]])
x2[t_] = lf[t]*Sin[Phi1[t]] + l2*Sin[Phi2[t]]
y2[t_] = lf[t]*(-Cos[Phi1[t]]) - l2*Cos[Phi2[t]]
r1 = {x1[t], y1[t]}
r2 = {x2[t], y2[t]}
v1 = D[r1, t]
v2 = D[r2, t]
T = (1/2)*(m1*v1 . v1 + m2*v2 . v2);
U = m1*g*lf[t]*(1 - Cos[Phi1[t]]) + (1/2)*k1*(lf[t] - l1)^2 +
m2*g*(lf[t]*(1 - Cos[Phi1[t]]) + l2*(1 - Phi2[t]))
L = Simplify[T - U]
dLdPhi1 = D[L, Phi1[t]] // Simplify;
dLdPhiDot1 = D[L, Phi1'[t]] // Simplify;
ELEQ1 = dLdPhi1 == D[dLdPhiDot1, t];
ELEQ1 = Simplify[ELEQ1, {l1 != 0, m1 != 0, m2 != 0, l2 != 0, k1 != 0}]
dLdPhi2 = D[L, Phi2[t]] // Simplify;
dLdPhiDot2 = D[L, Phi2'[t]] // Simplify;
ELEQ2 = dLdPhi2 == D[dLdPhiDot2, t];
ELEQ2 = Simplify[ELEQ2, {l1 != 0, m1 != 0, m2 != 0, l2 != 0, k1 != 0}]
dLdlf = D[L, lf[t]] // Simplify;
dLdlfDot = D[L, lf'[t]] // Simplify;
ELEQ3 = dLdlf == D[dLdlfDot, t];
ELEQ3 = Simplify[ELEQ3, {l1 != 0, m1 != 0, m2 != 0, l2 != 0, k1 != 0}]
I am trying to make an animation out of it but I don't understand why the code is not running correctly:
Pendulum[{len1_, len2_, mass1_, mass2_, koef1_}, {
lft_, Phi01_, Phi02_, lftdot_, Phi01dot_, Phi02dot_}] := Module[
{gVal, tM, temp1, temp2, temp3, sol1, sol2, sol3, lfsol, phi1sol,
phi2sol, params, res},
gVal = 9.81;
tM = 60; (* timeMax *);
(* Parameter einsetzen in Bewegungsgleichungen: *)
params = {g -> gVal, len1 -> l1, len2 -> l2, mass1 -> m1,
mass2 -> m2, koef1 -> k1};
temp1 = {ELEQ1} /. params; temp2 = {ELEQ2} /. params;
temp3 = {ELEQ3} /. params;
(* Anfangsbedingungen hinzufuegen: *)
temp1 =
Join[temp1, {Phi1[0] == Phi01, Phi1'[0] == Phi01dot,
Phi2[0] == Phi02, Phi2'[0] = Phi02dot, lf[0] = lft,
lf'[0] = lftdot}];
temp2 =
Join[temp2, {Phi1[0] == Phi01, Phi1'[0] == Phi01dot,
Phi2[0] == Phi02, Phi2'[0] = Phi02dot, lf[0] = lft,
lf'[0] = lftdot}];
temp3 =
Join[temp3, {Phi1[0] == Phi01, Phi1'[0] == Phi01dot,
Phi2[0] == Phi02, Phi2'[0] = Phi02dot, lf[0] = lft,
lf'[0] = lftdot}];
(* DGL loesen und Fkt. definieren: *)
sol1 = NDSolve[temp1, Phi1[t], {t, 0, tM}];
sol2 = NDSolve[temp2, Phi2[t], {t, 0, tM}];
sol3 = NDSolve[temp3, lf[t], {t, 0, tM}];
phi1sol = Phi1[t] /. sol1[[1]];
phi2sol = Phi2[t] /. sol2[[1]];
lfsol = Phi2[t] /. sol3[[1]];
(* Pendel animieren: *)
res =
Animate[plotPendulum[phi1sol, phi2sol, lfsol /. {t -> tt}, tt,
{tt, 0, tM, 0.01 (* timeInt *)}];
And here is the plotpendulum, which is the code that generates the picture that I painted:
plotPendulum[Phi1_, Phi2_, t_, subs_List ] := Module[
{p1, p2, le, ps, ra, lines, dots, ceil, text, text2, all,
p1 = {x1[t], y1[t]} /. subs;
p2 = {x2[t], y2[t]} /. subs;
le = (l1 + l2) /. subs;
ra = le*{{-1.05, 1.05}, {-2.15, 2.15}};
ceil = {Brown, Thickness[0.05],
Line[{{-l, 0} /. subs, {l, 0} /. subs}]};
lines = {Black, Thickness[0.01], Line[{{0, 0}, p1}],
Thickness[0.005], Line[{p1, p2}]};
dots = {Black, PointSize[0.04], Point[{{0, 0}, p1}], Red,
PointSize[0.1], Point[{p2}]};
text = {Black, Background -> White,
Text[m, p2 + {1, 0}, {-1, 0}],
Text[l, p1 + (p2 - p1)/2 - {0.05*le, 0}, {1, 0}],
Text[" t = " <> ToString[t] <> " s ", {-l*0.5, a} /. subs]};
all = Join[ceil, lines, dots, text];
pendulum = Show[Graphics[all], PlotRange -> ra];
When I try to execute the code: Pendulum[{1, 1, 1, 2, 100}, {0.9, 1/10, -5*Pi/4, 0, 0, 0}], I get errors of the kind:
NDSolve:Equation or list of equations expected instead of 0 in the first
General::stop: Further output of NDSolve::deqn will be suppressed during this calculation.
Replaceall: is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table,
and so cannot be used for replacing.
And the animation is blank
so one can reproduce the errors? I myself would try to first use NDSolve outside the function and make sure it works before making a function. Much easier to find what the errors are that way. btw, what isplotPendulum
? $\endgroup$Pendulum
with what values. $\endgroup$