
I need to do the following transformation that

pick[a,b] -> ex[c|->{c[a],c[b]}]

ex is a function that accepts a function as parameter which returns a list when called.

ReplaceAll replaces all pick at once. But I only want to expand my expression one at a time. For example

pick[1,2]+pick[3,4] -> ex[Function[c, {c[1], c[2]}]] + pick[3, 4]

Then if I apply the transformation the second time, it becomes

ex[Function[c, {c[1], c[2]}]] + ex[Function[c, {c[3], c[4]}]]

So I've invented the following function

ExpandPick[exp_] := Module[{p, x, y, co},
  p = FirstPosition[exp, pick[x_, y_]];
  x = exp[[Sequence @@ p]][[1]];
  y = exp[[Sequence @@ p]][[2]];
  ReplacePart[exp, p -> ex[ Function[co,  {co[x], co[y]}]]]

ExpandPick[pick[a, b] + pick[c, d]]

But the output is

ex[Function[co$, {co$[x$227772], co$[y$227772]}]] + pick[3, 4]

x$227772], y$227772 are real eyesores. As I'm working on symbolic level, I need Mathematica to show a instead of x$227772.

How can I do so?


3 Answers 3


Your problem comes from "Function" having the attribute "HoldAll". Therefore, what you have to do, is to wrap "Funtion" with "Evaluate":

ExpandPick[exp_] := Module[{p, x, y, co},
  p = FirstPosition[exp, pick[x_, y_]];
  x = exp[[Sequence @@ p]][[1]];
  y = exp[[Sequence @@ p]][[2]];
   p :> Evaluate@ex[Function[co, Evaluate@{co[x], co[y]}]]]

ExpandPick[pick[a, b] + pick[c, d]]

enter image description here


Why not this?

pick[args___] := Map[#, {args}] &

Use With instead of Module?

ClearAll[a, b, c, d, pick, ex, co]

ExpandPick[exp_] := With[{
   p = FirstPosition[exp, _pick]
   }, With[{
    x = First@Extract[exp, p],
    y = Last@Extract[exp, p]
   ReplacePart[exp, p :> ex[Function[co, {co[x], co[y]}]]]]]

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