I am trying to define a function with a lot of input variables, and some of the inputs are used to define other input variables. If I define them outside of the function and then pass them in I don't get an issue, but if I do the following then I get an issue
SolveSEIRs[n_: 500,
L_: RandomReal[{3.9,5.9}],
Cinc_: RandomReal[{Max[L,4.8],6.8}],
The error message that I am getting states...
"RandomReal: The endpoints specified by {Max[4.8,L],6.8} for the endpoints
of the uniform distribution range are not real-valued"
I have tried to look online for solutions to this problem, but I feel as though this might be a slightly specific issue, or that I am unable to describe it effectively due to being new to Mathematica.
Any help is appreciated.