I've spent the last week searching for a way to numerically calculate the pole contributions to this multi-dimensional complex contour integral while avoiding the singularity at z=0: $$ \oint_{C_1(0)}\oint_{C_p}\frac{z_{1}z_{2}}{z_{2}^{-1}p+(1-p)z_{1}-1} \, e^{\frac{1}{z_{1}} + z_{1} + \frac{1}{z_{2}} + z_{2}} \quad \text d z_1 \, \text d z_2 $$ where $p \in (0,1)$, $C_1(0)$ is a circle of radius 1 centered at 0 and $C_p$ is a contour surrounding the poles only.
I used Finding residues of multi-dimensional complex functions to compute this integral. When I give the whole integral to Mathematica, I don't have the contribution of the poles because the contour cannot be deformed due to the singularity. So I'm trying to find a way to exclude the singularity of the contour, maybe with a small contour around $z = 0$ using Piecewise
or something similar to get only the contribution of the poles.
NContourIntegrate[f_, par : (z_ -> g_), {t_, a_, b_}] :=
NIntegrate[Evaluate[D[g, t] (f /. par) /. t -> t1], {t1, a, b}]
Pinfz1[p_?NumericQ, z2_?NumericQ] :=
NContourIntegrate[1/(2*I*Pi)^2*z1*z2/(p + (1 - p)*z1*z2-z2)*E^(1/z1 + z1 + 1/z2 + z2),
z1 -> Exp[I t],
{t, 0, 2*Pi}]
Pinfz[p_?NumericQ] := NContourIntegrate[Pinfz1[p, z2], z2 -> Exp[I t], {t, 0, 2*Pi }]